Three Great Virtues - Three Essays by Emerson, The by EMERSON, Ralph Waldo

Faith Hope and Charity ...... In the Language of Emerson these translate as: Self - Reliance, Love, and Friendship. (summary by Robert Scott)

Ethics-talk: The Greatest Good Of Man Is Daily To Converse About Virtue

Socrates said that talking about virtue and the good life is one of the most important things a human being can do. That's where "Ethics-Talk" fits in. Housed in the Department of...

Cutie, The Loving Hen: The 7 Virtues – Stories From Hawk's Little Ranch - Vol 1

The feeling of equality and respect for differences is a natural conclusion to love. Cutie, the loving hen, shows a mother's despair at seeing her son in danger; the joy of having...

Caramel, The Wild Puma: The 7 Virtues – Stories From Hawk's Little Ranch - Vol 6

Caramel, the wild puma shows that prudence is an important virtue for everyone. To know how to weigh risks and to seek for solutions of our needs is a constant task: we must learn...

Carcara, The Wise Eye: The 7 Virtues – Stories From Hawk's Little Ranch - Vol 7

Carcara, the wise eye is a story of self-reliance and determination. We all are singular individuals, independent and unique, but, contradictorily, dependent and inserted in a...

Muriqui, The Happy Monkey: The 7 Virtues – Stories From Hawk's Little Ranch - Vol 2

In Muriqui, the happy monkey, living in society is approached. The greatest primate in Brazil teaches us the importance of studying, of having emotional balance, of looking for...

Don Dokken

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El Modelo De Virtudes

El modelo de Virtudes es una comedia teatral del autor Pedro Muñoz Seca. Como es habitual en el autor, la pieza se articula en torno a una serie de malentendidos y situaciones de...

Alzheimers Virtual

El concepto de los cambios cerebrales relacionados con la edad y los cambios patológicos como los que se producen en la enfermedad de Alzheimer.

Pared Virtual

La radio del fútbol en América. Podcasts analizando las eliminatorias camino de Rusia 2018 en CONMEBOL Y CONCACAF

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