Vital Body - Your unique strategies for fitness, diets, vitality and total wellness - Topic suggestions for future podcasts? Email me your questions at...

Vital Presence

Vital Presence is for people who are shaping the stories that are shaping the world. Join Vital Presence with Sally Fox, Ph.D., veteran coach, consultant and writer, as she takes...

VITAL BUSINESS - Winning strategies for money and prosperity - Topic suggestions for future podcasts? Email me your questions at

VITAL BABAJI - - Essential techniques to help you connect with Babaji Nagaraj - Includes sanskrit calligraphies, focus techniques, energy...

Vital Science

Life science is complicated, but its mission is simple – to create a safer, healthier future. This podcast tells the stories behind the science from the perspective of patients,...

Felipe - O Menino Que Refletia

Felipe é um menino curioso e cheio de energia que adora brincar. Um dia ele se acidenta e precisa ficar de repouso por duas semanas.Como suportar essa temporada sem fazer as...

Bye Felipe Podcast

Have you ever wondered what happens between the text exchanges you see on the Bye Felipe Instagram account? On the Bye Felipe Podcast, creator Alexandra Tweten and cohost, Eileen...

O dia em que Felipe sumiu

"Um lago poluído intriga uma turma de crianças curiosas. Como é o mais dramático e preocupado de todos, Felipe acorda um dia e resolve começar sozinho sua caçada para...

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