The Multi-site Church Revolution: Being One Church In Many Locations

Fueled by a desire to reach people for Christ, a revolution is underway. Churches are growing beyond the limitations of a single service in one building. Expanding the traditional...

A Multi-site Church Roadtrip: Exploring The New Normal

The multi-site church movement is reshaping the way we do church. But how does it actually work? And is it right for your church? Enjoy a guided tour of multi-site churches across...

Brave Mom: Facing And Overcoming Your Real Mom Fears

In Brave Mom, Sherry Surratt, president and CEO of MOPS  International, shares honestly and openly about the fears every mom struggles with.  From worry about your...

Surret I Plurret

Två glada grabbar som diskuterar aktuella händelser och personliga upplevelser, själva och med andra. Sugen på att veta mer? Tryck på play och häng med på en härligt...

Geff Erson - The Podcast

Retrouves et télécartes l'intégralité de mes podcasts sur Itunes


Este livro constitui uma introdução acessível ao Marxismo, explicando cada um dos conceitos-chave da política e da teoria social marxistas. O livro está organizado em três...

Spirit Of The Game

A contemporary story about heroes, football and how a teenage youth eventually comes to reject the image of a modern day role model in favour of the reality of one from an earlier...

Wallenstein (ungekürzt)

Wallenstein (1583-1634) ist eine Ausnahmefigur, faszinierend wie unerklärlich: Ein begnadetes Militärgenie und kühl kalkulierender Unternehmer, oder aber ein von Horoskopen...

Le Sursaut: La Fin D'un Rêve

Prince est né dans une grande agglomération citadine. Il ne connaît rien du village, sinon les quelques histoires que lui racontent son père et sa...

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