А Зима Всё Длилась...: And The Winter All Lasted...

«And the winter all lasted ...» - a book by the poet and prose writer Anastasia Volnaya. In this series poems and essays are presented, which in one way or another are...

There Will Be A Day Another

Anastasia Volnaya is a modern poet and prose writer whose work is multifaceted. Here you will find love lyrics, philosophical essays and poetic images inspired by the Christian...

Древо Бо-га

Философская причта поэта Анастасии Вольной, написанная в 1997 году, в Москве. Так или иначе,...

Light Of The Cross

Anastasia Volnaya is a modern poet and prose writer whose creative is multifaceted. Creative and soul organization of Anastasia was inherited from her parents - father - musician...

The Tree Of Di-vine (deity`s Tree)

The philosophical parable "The Tree of Di-Vine", written in 1997. Included in the cycle of prose works by Anastasia Volnaya under the general title "Time". The...

Poems - Glass

This book presents selected poetry and prose of the Moscow poet AnastasiaVolnaya. I think that this poem shows the main idea of the book:Poems - glassThrough them you lookAnd you...

Maxima Reserva

Escucha todos los temazos clásicos y míticos de la música dance de las últimas décadas de la mano de Eric Font en Maxima.

Maximo Potencial

Capacitador Internacional de líderes de alto nivel. Ha escrito más de 50 libros y es fundador del iMP, La RIM y MaxPo; con la meta de ayudar a otros lograr sus sueños y...

Maxima Deejay

Maxima Deejay con Albert Neve & Abel Ramos es el programa para los amantes del sonido EDM con la música de los DJs y productores más importantes del mundo.

Maxi Bermúdez

Muy buenas! Comenzaré a hacer podcast de temas interesantes para esos días en los que no sabes que hacer... ahí tendrás mi podcast

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