Authors Are Rockstars!



a podcast dedicated to young adult literature and rockin' music


  • Ann Stampler: Our Farewell Episode


    Hey everyone. This is a hard post to write. After we produced this episode, Allison and I decided that it was time for us to hang up our mics. Now that we live on opposite ends of the West Coast, it has just become a challenge to put these podcasts together. We have had SO much fun doing this, but we don't want to provide you with an interview that is subpar. What can I say? We're perfectionists.We've both got a lot going on outside of the podcast-- our families, for one thing, but also our careers. I'd be honored if you kept up with my voiceover adventures on my Facebook page. Allison is keeping her plate full as the manager for YALSA's YA lit blog, The Hub. And, of course, you can always find us on Twitter at @IHeartYourBook and @alli_librarian. We really appreciate you listening to us over the years, and would love to keep those connections going.And although we're hanging up our mics right now, neither of us have been willing to say it's forever, so you never know when we might pop up again with a su

  • Sarah J. Maas: Thanksgiving (belated) Podcast


    Thanksgiving has just passed, and this month on Authors are ROCKSTARS!, we were thankful for an awesome interview with New York Times bestselling author, Sarah J. Maas! If you're a regular listener, you know we love fantasy here on the podcast, and Sarah's books are just our cup of tea.Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes!Visit Sarah's website to keep up with this amazing author, and be sure to stop by her publisher, Bloomsbury.Extra special shout out this month to our awesome editor Marc who had his work cut out for him due to some Skype issues. :) You rock, Marc!Podcast hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Special thanks to our sound engineer, Marc Conrad Tabula, for his awesome audio editing skills. To make sure you never miss an episode, subscribe to Authors are ROCKSTARS! on iTunes.

  • Tamara Ireland Stone: October podcast


    Rev up your DeLoreans, listeners, because it's time travel month here on Authors are ROCKSTARS! We've got a terrific interview for you with Tamara Ireland Stone, author of Time Between Us and its recently released sequel, Time After Time.We talked to Tamara about musical influences, time travel theories, and her next project now that her fantastic time travel romance duology has come to an end. We had so much fun chatting with her-- we know you're going to love this interview.Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes!To keep up with Tamara, stop by her website, and check out her publisher, Disney Hyperion!Also, we're pleased to offer a fabulous giveaway this month: an ARC of Emerald Green, the exciting finale to the Ruby Red trilogy by Kerstin Gier. It's Michelle's book pick of the month, and we're offering it to you. Just comment and tell us your preferred method of time travel from any work of fiction-- DeLoreans, the TARDIS, a time turner... the possibilities are endles

  • Jessica Brody: September Podcast


    It's been a busy year around here at Authors are ROCKSTARS! While Michelle was preparing for a big cross-state move earlier this year, Allison had the pleasure of interviewing Unremembered author Jessica Brody via Skype.We talked about her journey as a writer, moments in her life that she'd like to "unremember," and of course... the karaoke question.Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes!Visit Jessica's website to learn more about Unremembered and her other books, and stop by her publisher, Macmillan. Podcast hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Special thanks to our sound engineer, Marc Conrad Tabula, for his awesome audio editing skills. Please subscribe to Authors are ROCKSTARS! on iTunes so you'll never miss an episode-- and reviews are always welcome!

  • Gwenda Bond: Special Edition Podcast


    We're rounding out the ALA 2013 series of Librarians are ROCKSTARS! podcasts with an interview with the fabulous Gwenda Bond, author of Blackwood.Together with Steve from Circulating Ideas, Allison got to hang out with Gwenda in a quiet corner of the ALA Annual conference in Chicago. Gwenda chatted with us about her thoughts on using social media as an author, why she enjoys writing for the YA audience, and what she read as a teen... (spoilers: we have a pretty in-depth discussion about Christopher Pike!).Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes!Visit Gwenda's website to find out about her upcoming book, The Woken Gods and visit Steve at Circulating Ideas for tons of awesome librarian interviews.Podcast hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Special thanks to our sound engineer, Marc Conrad Tabula, for his awesome audio editing skills. Please subscribe to Authors are ROCKSTARS! on iTunes so you'll never miss an episode-- and if you leave a review, t

  • Gene Yang: Special Edition Podcast


    We're back with another episode of our special edition series of our podcast, Librarians are ROCKSTARS! We're thrilled to collaborate once more with Steve from Circulating Ideas, the librarian interview podcast. Steve and Allison met up at the American Library Association Conference in June to talk to some fantastic authors about their thoughts on libraries and librarians.To kick off this round of Librarians are ROCKSTARS!, we're sharing an interview with Printz Award winning author and artist, Gene Luen Yang. We had a blast chatting with Gene about his perspective on libraries as an author and an educator, as well as his upcoming graphic novels, Boxers and Saints, which will be out in bookstores everywhere next month.Also, even though Michelle wasn't at the conference with us, the two of us settle a VERY IMPORTANT debate about the Great Lakes in this episode.Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes!Keep up with Gene at his website, and stop by his publisher, First Second

  • Jennifer Bosworth: July podcast


    Earlier this summer, we got to hang out with the lovely Jennifer Bosworth, author of Struck, at Vroman's Books in Pasadena. We had a blast talking to Jennifer about the role of cults in her debut novel, what she was like as a teen, and her relationship with the city of Los Angeles as a transplant from Utah.Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes.Keep up with Jennifer at her website and be sure to visit her publisher, Macmillan.Giveaway! We happen to think Jennifer's book is the perfect kind of book to pick up when you're in a reading slump-- it's high-concept, action-packed, and a fun read. What do you do when you're in a reading slump?Comment on this post and tell us your favorite recommendations for books to get you out of a reading slump. Your comment will enter you to win a hardcover copy of Struck, signed by Jennifer Bosworth. Remember to leave your email with the comment so we can contact the winner. Contest open to US residents only. Deadline is Friday, Augus

  • Shannon Messenger and Debra Driza: June Podcast


    Today on the podcast, we have an extra special treat: two authors in one interview! Debra Driza, author of MILA 2.0 and Shannon Messenger, author Let the Sky Fall. We had an absolutely fabulous time and think you will too! Highlights include Deb singing Domo Arigatou and the phrase "MORE TONGUE!" Yep-- be prepared for a wild ride. ;)Oh and don't forget Michelle and Allison's picks of the month. This month, we chat about Palace of Stone by Shannon Hale and Navigating Early by Clare Vanderpool.Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes.Be sure to visit Debra and Shannon on their websites for more from these two incredibly fun ladies.Podcast hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Special thanks to our sound engineer, Marc Conrad Tabula, for his awesome audio editing skills. Please subscribe to Authors are ROCKSTARS! on iTunes so you'll never miss an episode, and thank you for listening!

  • Leigh Bardugo: Roadtrip Edition Podcast


    Last month, we were thrilled to meet up with Leigh at Vroman's Bookstore in Pasadena to discuss her upcoming book, Siege and Storm, which comes out on June 4th. We were blown away last year by her debut novel, Shadow and Bone, so we loved sitting down to chat about this exciting sequel.We talked about the development of Shadow and Bone for the big screen, what readers can expect from Siege and Storm, and Leigh answered listener questions. Also, we have a new music-related question for Leigh, since she addressed our favorite karaoke question in last year's interview!Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes.Be sure to visit Leigh at her website and check out her publisher, Henry Holt (an imprint of Macmillan). And in case you missed it last year, catch our first interview with her!Podcast hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Special thanks to our sound engineer, Marc Conrad Tabula, for his awesome audio editing skills. Please subscribe to Authors ar

  • Cylin Busby: Roadtrip Edition Podcast


    We are pleased to bring you an interview with the incredible Cylin Busby, recorded at Vroman's Bookstore in Pasadena. We had so much fun chatting with Cylin about her latest book for teens, Blink Once, a suspenseful paranormal thriller- what kind of research she did, and what it was like to write from a male perspective. We also talked about the intense memoir she co-wrote with her father, The Year We Disappeared, and then we capped it all off with some truly epic regional accents. (Time warp! We interviewed Cylin earlier this yearwhen Michelle still had a baby on board.)Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes.We have a giveaway to go along with this episode of the podcast! To win an autographed hardcover cover of Blink Once, comment on this post and tell us which one of Cylin's accents you liked best. Be sure to include your email address or Twitter username so we can contact you if you're the winner. Deadline is Tuesday, May 14, 11:59 pm PST. Contes

  • CJ Redwine: April Podcast


    All right, fantasy fans, get excited! We have an interview with Defiance author, CJ Redwine, for you. We had so much fun talking to CJ about what inspired the intense emotions in this post-apocalyptic fantasy, her determination to write while juggling the duties of motherhood, and more-- and she answers listener questions! So if you submitted a question, tune in.In this episode, we also share our must-read book picks of the month: Eleanor & Park, by Rainbow Rowell, and Golden, by Jessi Kirby.Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes.Be sure to visit CJ at her website and visit her publisher, Balzer + Bray, an imprint of HarperCollins.Podcast hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Special thanks to our sound engineer, Marc Conrad Tabula, for his awesome audio editing skills. Please subscribe to Authors are ROCKSTARS! on iTunes so you'll never miss an episode, and thank you for listening.

  • Lauren Oliver: Roadtrip Edition Podcast


    Lauren Oliver, author of the spellbinding dystopian Delirium series, visited the Mission Viejo Library last month, and we were thrilled to snag an interview with this amazing author! Michelle is still on semi-maternity leave with her cute baby, so I was joined by our good friend Lalitha of Masala Reader for this event.Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes. Lauren's visit to the Mission Viejo Library was fantastic-- her fans were rapt as she spoke about her writing and read an excerpt from Requiem, the final volume of her New York Times bestselling Delirium trilogy, and everyone enjoyed mini cupcakes iced to match the covers of Lauren's books as they waited in line to meet her and have their books signed.Visit Lauren Oliver's website to keep up with her upcoming titles, and be sure to take a look at her publisher, HarperCollins. In the Southern California area? Visit the Mission Viejo Library and keep a lookout for any upcoming author visits. Podcast host

  • Jordan Dane: Extra Special Edition


    Look at that audiobook cover... you may see a familiar name. That's right-- I'm the narrator of a YA audiobook by the fabulous author Jordan Dane.On today's podcast, Allison and I chat with Jordan via Skype to talk about her newest release Indigo Awakening and then Allison turns the mic around to interview both Jordan and I about the audiobook release of In the Arms of Stone Angels. I have to admit, it was a bit weird to be on the other side of the interview!Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes.Both Indigo Awakening and the print edition of In the Arms of Stone Angels were published by HarlequinTeen and are available at your favorite retailer. You can purchase the audiobook of In the Arms of Stone Angels on iTunes, Amazon or hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Special thanks to our sound engineer, Marc Conrad Tabula, for his awesome audio editing skills. Please subscribe to Authors are ROCKSTARS! on iTunes s

  • Shannon Messenger: March Podcast & Giveaway


    We are thrilled to have Shannon Messenger on the podcast! She is a most delightful person, and her YA debut, Let the Sky Fall, is in bookstores everywhere TODAY. Michelle is supposed to be taking it easy with her baby, but she is currently doing her "happy book" dance. She is just that excited!Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes.And there's a giveaway to celebrate the launch of this fantastic series! We're thrilled to be giving away signed ARCs of Let the Sky Fall. To enter, just comment on this post and tell us which wind direction you would want to be: North, South, East, or West. Be sure to leave your email or Twitter handle along with your comment so we can contact the winner. Contest is open to US residents only. Comment to enter by Sunday, March 10. We have three signed copies to giveaway and one unsigned so FOUR WINNERS!Visit Shannon's blog to keep up with her latest news, and be sure to stop by her publisher, Simon & Schuster.And stay tuned... We wil

  • Beth Revis: February Podcast


    Beth Revis is back on the show, y'all! She joined us via Skype to discuss the stunning final volume in her Across the Universe series.We were utterly thrilled to chat with Beth again, and we know you're going to love this interview. Also in this episode, Michelle goes on maternity leave and Allison shares her book pick of the month, The Star of Kazan, by Eva Ibbotson.Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes.Stop by Beth's website to keep up with her latest news, and visit her publisher, Razorbill (an imprint of Penguin).Edit: Oh my gosh! We almost forgot to mention the awesome giveaway that Beth is doing for our listeners. You could win a set of signed Across the Universe books. Just comment and tell us... if you had a spaceship, what would YOU name it? Be sure to include your Twitter handle or a way for us to contact you. We'll post the winner on the blog next week on March 5th with our Shannon Messenger launch party podcast! US Residents only please.Podcast hosting cour

  • Annameekee Hesik: Debut Author Edition


    We chatted via Skype with Annameekee Hesik, author of The You-Know-Who Girls: Freshman Year. It's a smart, funny read about basketball, girls in love with girls, and self-discovery. We were charmed by Annameekee, and we know you will be, too!Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes.Learn more about Annameekee at her website, and visit her publisher, Bold Strokes Books.Podcast hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Special thanks to our sound engineer, Marc Conrad Tabula, for his awesome audio editing skills. Please subscribe to Authors are ROCKSTARS! on iTunes so you'll never miss an episode. Thank you for listening!

  • Veronica Rossi: January Podcast


    Veronica Rossi's debut novel, Under the Never Sky, was one of our favorite reads of 2012. We just loved its unique blend of science fiction, fantasy, adventure, and romance-- so we were thrilled to get a chance to catch up with her around the release of the sequel, Through the Ever Night, which came out earlier this month. Veronica was gracious enough to answer lots of questions submitted by YOU, her fans, as well as plenty of our own questions!Also, be sure to pay extra special attention to the beginning and end of this podcast, because... well, you'll hear why!Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes.Visit Veronica at her website and stop by her publisher, HarperCollins.Podcast hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Special thanks to our sound engineer, Marc Conrad Tabula, for his awesome audio editing skills. Please subscribe to Authors are ROCKSTARS! on iTunes so you'll never miss an episode-- and you'll win our hearts forever if you're inclined to l

  • Kirby Larson: Special Edition Podcast


    In anticipation of the American Library Association's Midwinter Meeting in Seattle this weekend, we present a special project: Librarians are ROCKSTARS! We teamed up with Steve from the Circulating Ideas podcast to interview two very awesome authors about their experiences with libraries. First up is Kirby Larson!Kirby Larson received the Newbery Honor for Hattie Big Sky, and its highly-anticipated sequel,  Hattie Ever After, hits bookstore shelves on February 12th.Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes!Get acquainted with Kirby at her website, and be sure to stop by her publisher, Delacorte, an imprint of Random House. And for part two of our Librarians are ROCKSTARS! collaboration, visit Circulating Ideas this Thursday.Podcast hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Special thanks to our sound engineer, Marc Conrad Tabula, for his awesome audio editing skills. Please subscribe to Authors are ROCKSTARS! on iTunes so you'll never miss an episode-- and w