Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day



A weekly, quick podcast of about 5 minutes that features a tip about the paleo, ancestral, or barbarian template type of lifestyle. A succinct summation by your own PaleoJay!


  • The ONE Exercise you should be doing DAILY! PQTD podcast

    19/10/2018 Duración: 09min

    I know that the number one reason given for not exercising is TIME.  This is understandable, since our modern lives have become busy to a fault- it would be much better if we would winnow through the many things we do, like watching television and reading facebook, and make more time to exercise.  It would make us healthier in body and mind!But, for those of you with young children especially, and also those of you with jobs taking up long hours, I know that time is of the essence, and so I have a strong recommendation for you:  Do a full body isometric contraction 3 times in succession, several times per day!That’s it.  Just stand relaxed, hands at your sides.  Then slowly contract every muscle in your body, starting with the calves, and gradually tensing each muscle group in your body, from thighs to butt, to abs to chest to back to shoulders- all just by isometrically tensing each group.  Keep breathing throughout, don’t hold your breath, but tense hard and hold for about 7 seconds.  Relax briefly, and the

  • Lair of the Wulf audio book Chapters 1 and 2

    10/10/2018 Duración: 18min

    Free reading by the author.

  • Adjust Your Own Body

    10/10/2018 Duración: 07min
  • Your TRUE Paleo Tribe is LOCAL pqtd

    08/10/2018 Duración: 15min

    One of the ways in which we have betrayed our genetic heritage, along with abandoning the eating of real, God made foods, is to try to claim allegiance to ‘global’ ideals rather than concentrating on our own tribe.  For human beings evolved as tribal, social animals, just as wolves are pack animals and cattle are herd animals.  Such small, regional, and racially similar groupings are necessary for smooth, healthy functioning of both our local society, and for the health of the individual within that group.  Only in such a fashion are we naturally equipped to maximize both our mental and physical health.Just as big, industrialized processed food has replaced good, pastured meats and vegetables with high fructose corn syrup laden concoctions of unnaturally altered strains of wheat and GMO foods- so too has our natural, native attachment to those of our own genetic type rather than to an artificially big government mandated ‘globalism’.  We are told to erase our borders, to interbreed with other of nations and c

  • Fake Science PJSC podcast

    27/09/2018 Duración: 18min
  • Where to Live as a Paleo Person

    23/09/2018 Duración: 10min

    A rural area is best for paleo living.

  • Be a Part Time Carnivore on Paleo Quick tip of the day podcast

    19/09/2018 Duración: 08min

    The big news in Paleo right now is the Carnivore diet- that is, a diet where you only eat animal products! Holy Beef Sticks, Batman- can that really be good??” The short answer is, yes, it can indeed. As the famous psychologist Jordan Peterson says, after such a diet healed his daughter’s severe arthritis, she convinced him to try it. He was already on a beef and greens diet, which had helped his several conditions immensely, but when she convinced him to eat a totally carnivorous diet- it cured everything, including psoriasis, a loss of 50 pounds of fat, periodontal disease- and even his lifelong depression! And this is from a man who is a really deep and incisive thinker: if you haven’t already, check out some of his myriads of videos on youtube and elsewhere. And here is a video by his daughter, who was really dyi

  • Gluten Free Junk is Still- JUNK!

    14/09/2018 Duración: 23min

    The big trend now, and one I applaud, is to go gluten free! Gluten, which is in all wheat products, is bad, especially since modern wheat has been so modified to be overloaded with the stuff, which has all sorts of bad effects. It can distress your gut lining, and will, if you eat enough- and if you are ‘gluten sensitive’, which most people are these days- it can cause leaky gut. This is where food particles can gain access to your bloodstream, and cause you to get autoimmune diseases- little things like arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, heart disease and cancer, just to name a few… You don’t want leaky gut, and so that alone is a good reason to avoid gluten! BUT- don’t just blithely run through the Gluten Free section of the grocery (which has become very prevalent as of late), grabbing armfuls of gluten free cookies, cakes, and pastries! Because, well- they are still cookies, cakes, and sugar loaded pastries!! They are still highly glycemic, and very, very unhealthy, despite being free of gluten

  • Conventional Medicine CANNOT Save you from your LIfestyle PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe Podcast

    07/09/2018 Duración: 17min

    PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe #104 Your Doctor can NOT save you from a bad Lifestyle!! One of the biggest scams there is in this world is that conventional medicine, which is the kind of treatment you can get from an American clinic or hospital can make you WELL! Nothing is further from the truth…a medical doctor of today just means that that person is a member of the biggest, most powerful labor union in history- the American Medical Association. This is a labor union par excellence- it guarantees incredibly high wages for the practitioners in “the Brotherhood” as Malcolm Kendrick calls it, as long as those doctors tow the line, don’t rock the boat, and follow “approved” treatments ONLY- things like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery only for cancer treatment- nothing else can even be considered, or the doctor doing so can be thrown out of the union- in other words -lose their high priced and time consuming right to practice medicine! Your doctor is actually forbidden to recommend common sense li

  • Neanderthal DNA made us SMART!

    03/09/2018 Duración: 10min

    Did you know that all of us of European descent are part- Neanderthal? Well, it’s true. It turns out that the homo-sapiens Africanus emigrated from Africa approximately 70,000 years ago. These very warlike people encountered the Neanderthals around 75,000 years ago, and interbred with them. The Neanderthals, far from their modern stereotype of being primitive, warlike, and stupid, were actually quite peaceful, and had larger brains (and hence greater intelligence)! than our homo-sapiens ancestors. They mixed not only with homo-sapiens, but also with another extinct breed of humans, called the Denisovans, who were from the east. The DNA of Neanderthals is mixed in with modern Europeans, and also with East Asians, who have not only Denisovan blood, but also have more Neanderthal DNA than moderns of Europeans descent! Bear with me: there is a point to my ancient wanderings. The first European ebook It appears that homo-sapiens, as they emerged from Africa so long ago, were incredibly warl

  • Your Paleo Life is a Three Point Hitch

    01/09/2018 Duración: 11min

    Explanation of the Paleo life...

  • YOU are a Paleo Pioneer- NOT an Immigrant! PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe podcast

    01/09/2018 Duración: 10min

    Ancient paleo tribes, wandering through Europe- they would have never allowed tribespeople from elsewhere- the other- to come and sit about their campfire with them and their tribesmen and women. To take their laboriously hunted meats and fish, their gathered vegetables- they would have fought rather to the death than give up their land and what they had built! For they were the earliest of pioneers- making and taking what they could from the land to survive and thrive- for their own people and tribe. Imagine: you are living many thousands of years ago in just such a tribe. You have a good life, after centuries of hard, hard work and suffering. You have even developed free elections of your own chiefs, to organize you into warrior bands to protect what you have built. Because, although you are a stone-age cave person, you are not stupid. Then, an evil chief from within your land declares himself a “king”. Or a tyrant of any sort, whatever the name. Many suspect he is insane, but he is powerful and de

  • Make Health a Habit on PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe

    29/08/2018 Duración: 09min

    The number one reason that people are not healthy is not because they don’t know what to do, or how to do it. Sure, knowing how to properly exercise is crucial, and knowing what you should eat (and not eat!) to be healthy is as well- so, if you don’t know how to do either one, study up. Read on on both subjects, and get my ebook on Perfectly Paleo Exercise, complete with all the links you need to understand how to exercise naturally, ancestrally, and completely. This won’t take all that long, and then you will know what to eat, and how to properly exercise. Of course, you could study both subjects for the rest of your life and learn new things continually. But, the basics are always the same! Real food, not processed man-made crap, pastured meats and dairy, wild seafood. Get rid of grains in your diet, and maximize your sleep to at least 8 hours per night. Cultivate your “tribe” of friends, family, church members, work friends, neighbors. Exercise daily, and experience nature as we

  • No Gym Needed!

    26/08/2018 Duración: 13min

    Exercise on your own, not in a commercial gym.

  • Don't Take Statins- Eat Sardines Instead!

    15/08/2018 Duración: 07min

    I know, that sounds a bit strange, to say the least- give up an incredibly popular and overprescribed drug  and eat a small fish instead- what??   My point is this: the modern, 1970’s based medical establishment, which is totally drug based, has been enlisted to force feed us all lots of statins and other drugs, and for what?  PROFIT.  That is the bottom line!   Profits from statin drugs are approaching 1 TRILLION dollars.  It is the most profitable of all drugs sold, and so is being pushed beyond belief by their salesmen and women: doctors and the profit driven clinics they work for!    Just like high blood pressure guidelines, which were recently lowered to a point where virtually everyone, including healthy teenagers are now diagnosed with “high blood pressure”, (and so need to be prescribed medications sold by the big drug companies and the doctors)- so too cholesterol guidelines have also recently been lowered!  What a surprise: now everyone needs statin drugs as well!  Including teenagers, but especiall

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