Locker Room



Locker room is a men's podcast from Southland Christian Church in Kentucky. When you think about the kinds of conversation that happen in locker rooms you probably think about vulgar, childish and demeaning language. In this podcast we are redeeming men's conversations by talking about the right things in the right ways.


  • The Book

    28/04/2023 Duración: 56min

    The Book Many of us own a copy. In fact, the stats say 85% of U.S. households have a Bible, and the average house has 4.3 Bibles. The problem with that stat is this: just because you have one doesn’t mean that you’re using it! So why is this book important? What is the point? The point of the Bible is to know God and to understand His ways. God could have easily simply created us and said, “Well, I hope you find me.” Instead, He gave us His Word. It’s a gift. It’s a love letter from God to us—written with precision and purpose—so that we can know Him and know His heart for us and His heart for the world. In this episode of Locker Room we’re going to hit the fundamentals of how to get into God’s Word and make it part of our daily lives.   LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE S10E14 - Two Words: The Book Would you classify yourself as a reader? Why or why not? If so, what’s one of your favorite books? When you hear the phrase “the Bible,” what’s the first thought that comes to mind? Who introduced you to the Bible, an

  • Hate Sin (Part 2)

    21/04/2023 Duración: 39min

    Hate Sin (part 2) Each of us are in a daily battle of choosing, “Am I going to live my day walking in what God has for me through Christ—am I going to live for Jesus? Or am I going to be dominated by my past sin, past shame, or sinful desires?” We have to know ourselves. We have to know our history. We have to remember where we’ve been and study our own game tape knowing what brings joy and what brings heartache and shame. Join us this week as we jump back into the two words: Hate Sin. LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE: S10 E13 - Two Words: Hate Sin (Part 2) What was your main takeaway from the previous episode? Do you view sin any differently? Why or why not? Read Isaiah 53:1-12, Romans 3:21-26, and 1 Corinthians 7:23. God hated sin so much, He sent Jesus on a rescue mission to reconcile us back to Him which came at a great cost. God’s grace and mercy should elicit a response from us. If we’re able to move this unfathomable truth from our heads to our hearts, how should this radically change the way we live? What

  • Hate Sin (Part 1)

    14/04/2023 Duración: 22min

    Hate Sin (Part 1) How does God view sin? How does He see it? When God thinks about sin, what are His feelings? God hates sin so much and He hates what it’s done to His creation. He hates what it does to people’s hearts, relationships, marriages, families and communities. He hates what it does to His Church. He hates how it falls out in people’s lives. What about us? Sometimes we don’t really hate sin…we just hate everybody else’s sin. We’ve grown way too comfortable with the sin that we commit. Or maybe we’re in the middle of habitual sin where it feels like there's no way out: we can’t resist it, and we don’t have the ability to fight or be victorious over it. This week we’ll dive into what God’s word says about sin and its effects in our lives. LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE S10 E12:Two Words: Hate Sin (Part 1) What’s one food you hated eating as a kid? Is this a food you eat today? How has your appetite changed over the years? What would you attribute to this change? Read Romans 6:5-14. When we become follo

  • You're Qualified (Part 2)

    07/04/2023 Duración: 36min

    You’re Qualified (part 2) You have a story. God doesn’t want you to hide your story, but get comfortable with it and—when the opportunity arises—share it. When we choose to follow Christ, we become billboards of God’s grace and God’s hope. Your story is one of your greatest weapons. Jump back in with us this week as we continue the discussion on the two words: You’re Qualified. LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE S10E11: You’re Qualified (Part 2) What was your main takeaway from the previous episode? After listening to the episode, have you become more or less confident in God’s ability to use you? Why? At Southland, we encourage our congregation to live With Jesus, In Community, and On Mission or what we refer to as “The Triangle.” Read Mark 10:42-45, Philippians 2:3-4, and 1 Peter 4:10. One of the ways we can live “on mission” is by serving inside or outside the church. What does serving look like for you during this season? What have you learned from the experience? If you’ve not been able to serve, what barrier

  • You're Qualified, with Connor Hall (Part 1)

    31/03/2023 Duración: 55min

    You’re Qualified (Part 1) God uses broken people. That’s all He has. God doesn’t call the equipped; He equips the called. Jesus desires for you to partner with Him to live your life on mission. Too often we think God is looking for the powerful, the affluent, the charismatic—people with dynamic personalities. We think God is looking for ability and what He’s really looking for is availability. He will equip available men who are willing to take a step and follow Him. Join Scott and returning guest Connor Hall as they discuss how each of us are qualified to be a part of God’s team and make a difference in the lives of our families, friends, and coworkers. LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE: S10E10 You’re Qualified (Part 1) What was your first job or the first team you were a part of? Did you feel qualified? Why or why not? What do you think makes someone qualified for a position or role? Why did you choose your response? Read Nehemiah 1:11-2:5. Nehemiah was a cupbearer in modern-day Iran who felt a burden or call t

  • Crush Pride, with John Sampson

    24/03/2023 Duración: 01h33min

    Two Words: Crush Pride “Pride is your greatest enemy; humility is your greatest friend.”—C.S. Lewis. Pride makes everything about us. We’re the center of the universe—it’s all about me… Prideful men are everywhere; humble, confident men are hard to find. Here’s the reality: God can do anything in a humble man and He won’t do anything with a prideful man. We’ve got to choose what kind of man we want to be. In this week’s episode, Scott sits down with guest John Sampson for a tag-team dive into key scriptures where we learn what God thinks of pride and how to form a step-by-step approach to crush it out of our lives. LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE S10E9 - Two Words: Crush Pride What’s something you take pride in (e.g. accomplishment/achievement, organization/team, position/title, skill/ability, etc.)? How do you maintain a healthy view of this? We see pride manifest in a number of unhealthy ways throughout the pages of the Bible. How would you define pride in this context? Why is pride considered the root of al

  • Own It

    17/03/2023 Duración: 44min

    Click Here for the video podcast Two Words: Own It Own it. The mindset for this week is transparent ownership. Transparent ownership is about taking personal responsibility. It’s about personal accountability. It’s being socially, emotionally, and relationally aware of how we operate. Owning it is self-awareness of our words, actions, reactions, and motivations. It’s having a pulse on your personal and professional relationships, and your relationships with your wife and kids. Owning it pushes us towards transparency and healthier relationships. What we’ll also find is that transparent ownership actually enhances the culture around you. A quick correction from last week’s episode: here is a link to the further reading on spiritual warfare from Gary Black: Going Deeper in Spiritual Warfare LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE S10E8:  “Two Words: Own It” 1. Share a time when you were caught “red-handed” as a kid. What was your initial response in the moment? What have you learned from the experience? 2. How would

  • Your Enemy, with Gary Black

    10/03/2023 Duración: 01h26min

    Your Enemy We all have an enemy. We actually have real enemies. The Bible tells us our enemies are Satan and demons, the world, and the flesh. This is important, because it doesn’t matter if you’re playing high school sports or entering the ring in the UFC; to have a chance of winning, you need to know your enemy. With this week's guest Gary Black, we’ll do a deep dive on Satan and demons and learn how to fight our enemy. Further reading on spiritual warfare: Bondage Breaker by Neil AndersonThe Adversary by Mark BubeckSpiritual Warfare by Karl PayneThe Handbook For Spiritual Warfare by Ed Murphy And this link Gary mentioned in today's episode: Going Deeper In Understanding Spiritual Warfare If we can help you in any way or you’d like to share how this podcast is encouraging you, feel free to shoot us an email at LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE S10E7: “Two Words: Your Enemy” Who is your favorite movie or television villain (The Joker, Darth Vader, Green Thanos, Voldemort, etc.)? Why

  • Be Accountable

    03/03/2023 Duración: 44min

    Two Words: Be Accountable We’ve each got a shot at moving beyond where we are and towards the men that God wants us to be—but we need a band of brothers—we need a couple guys. God wants us to step off the island and have some guys that we can count on. And there are guys that need to be able to count on us. We all need these relationships. Join us on this week’s podcast as Scott talks about being accountable. Join us March 17-18 for Meal Pack! Across all five Southland campuses in partnership with Lifeline Christian Mission, we will pack one million meals to feed hungry kids around the world. All of the meals are distributed through Lifeline’s sites in countries like Honduras, Ecuador, Guatemala, and some countries in Africa. To be a part of this event, sign up at LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE S10E6: Be Accountable Who’s the best classmate, teammate, or co-worker you’ve ever collaborated with? What did you appreciate the most about them?  Who do you currently spend the most

  • Worship Jesus, with Mike Vandemark

    24/02/2023 Duración: 01h25min

    Worship Jesus We all worship something. We’re all worshippers. It just depends on who or what we worship. For followers of Jesus, worship is our response—both personally and corporately—to God for who He is, and what He’s done; expressed by the things we say and the things we do—by the way we live our lives. This week Scott is joined by Mike Vandemark to talk about his heartbeat of using the gift of music to bring people together. Along the way we break down some of the nuts and bolts of how and why we worship at Southland. Join us March 17-18 for Meal Pack!Across all five Southland campuses in partnership with Lifeline Christian Mission, we will pack one million meals to feed hungry kids around the world. All of the meals are distributed through Lifeline’s sites in countries like Honduras, Ecuador, Guatemala, and some countries in Africa. To be a part of this event, sign up at You can find all of the original songs by Southland Music at Scott

  • Life Change, with Edgar Saborit

    17/02/2023 Duración: 01h24min

    Two Words: Life Change Jesus didn’t just come to forgive and love us, but to free us, unburden and heal us. This week Scott sits down with Edgar Saborit to hear how deciding to follow Jesus has changed his life for the better. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. - Ezekiel 36:26(NIV) LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE S10E4: Have you had an opportunity to travel outside of the country? If so, what’s been your favorite place to visit? If not, where would you like to go?  What’s something in your life that’s changed over the past year? How do you typically respond to change (barber, job, moving, vehicles, etc.)? What factors have influenced the way you approach change? The phrase “Follow Me” appears over 20 times throughout the gospel accounts in the New Testament. What was the catalyst for you to begin following Jesus? How has following Jesus changed the relational dynamics within your sphere of influence (significan

  • Fine Print

    10/02/2023 Duración: 43min

    Two Words: Fine Print This week we’re talking about the fine print of the Christian life. If we’re not careful we can talk about faith in a way that sounds easy or irresistible—rainbows and unicorns—as if everything is just great all the time. It’s not true. The Bible doesn’t promise any of this. This week’s episode is titled fine print; but not because God is hiding something from us or trying to speed past and hide all the side effects of being a Christ-follower. He doesn’t do that. The invitation that Jesus invites us into is incredible, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with hard things. This season of Locker Room we're taking each week to talk about two words. Two words to drive our content and our discussion with different guests. If you’re starting a Locker Room Group or simply having conversations with other men--your sons, your friends, or coworkers--our hope is to create some critical discussions about things that matter. LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE S10 E3: Two Words: Fine Print Are you the t

  • You're Invited with Special Guest Jon Weece

    03/02/2023 Duración: 01h08min

    "You're invited!" When Jesus says you’re invited...he means it. He knows everything about us and yet he still pursues us. What is Jesus inviting us into? How do we respond? Join us this week as we sit down with Jon Weece to talk about the greatest invitation we've been given. We'll dive into the steps to accept Jesus' invitation and celebrate how he redeems our stories to help reach others. This season of Locker Room we're taking each week to talk about two words. Two words to drive our content and our discussion with different guests. If you’re starting a Locker Room Group or simply having conversations with other men--your sons, your friends, or coworkers--our hope is to create some critical discussions about things that matter. LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE, S1E2 - “You’re Invited” Did your family members or friends give you a nickname? If so, what is it and how did you earn it?  What’s the most recent event you’ve been invited to (ball game, concert, wedding, etc.)? What resonated with you about the exper

  • Warrior King

    27/01/2023 Duración: 45min

    "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."--A. W. Tozer If you were asked to describe Jesus in two words, what would it be?  It’s a great question, right? It’s very telling of what we know or understand about who He is. We're kicking off this season of Locker Room by taking each week to talk about 2 Words. Each week we’ll have two words that drive our content and drive our discussion with different guests. In this episode, we'll focus in on two words to describe Jesus: Warrior and King. If you’re starting a Locker Room Group or simply having conversations with other men--your sons, your friends, or coworkers--our hope is to create some critical discussions about things that matter.  LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE, S10E1: Warrior King If your family or your friends were to introduce you to someone new, what two words would they use to describe you?  Who first introduced you to Jesus? What picture was painted to describe Him?  What was your initial perception of J

  • Special Announcement

    20/01/2023 Duración: 30min

    What does the future hold for Locker Room podcast? Some changes are on the horizon. Full details revealed in this episode--featuring Scott Nickell and Scott Hatfield.

  • Disc Golf Throwdown

    24/11/2022 Duración: 26min

    We're going to settle it. You've heard them talk about it in the podcast, and In this bonus episode of Locker Room we take a break from the serious stuff for a throwdown between friends on the course. Nickell and Vandee, Hatfield and Austin Vitucci hit the course at Shilltto Park on a warm fall day to find out who is the best. Neil Gregory was there to film as it all went down. Now back in the studio, the guys break down the day and discuss other such weighty topics. You can watch the match in all its glory at

  • Setting a Course for Godly Fatherhood

    04/10/2022 Duración: 01h05min

    How can I become a more engaged father? What are some tips for raising godly boys? How can I have a meaningful conversation with my son? In this special episode of Locker Room, Scott welcomes Kent Evans to the podcast. Kent is an author and co-founder of Manhood Journey, a ministry that helps fathers and mentors build the next generation of godly men. You can find more resources from Manhood Journey at

  • Men's Night Followup

    02/09/2022 Duración: 01h38s

    Nearly 2000 men came together on August 28, to be built up and prepared to step into where God is calling us. Tune in with Scott Nickell & Hatfield for an extended breakdown of topics discussed and ways to move forward.

  • Inside the Locker Room: UK Basketball

    23/05/2022 Duración: 01h01min

    On this special bonus episode of Locker Room podcast Scott sits down with three former players from the University of Kentucky Men's Basketball team. Josh Carrier, JP Blevins and Ravi Moss share stories of what it was like on the inside during their time wearing the blue and white, including lessons learned and how to build your life and your identify in Christ and not based on what you do.

  • Finding God's Will for My Life

    16/05/2022 Duración: 33min

    As we wrap up this season of listener-submitted questions, Neil Gregory is back on the podcast to discuss one of the biggest questions many Jesus followers ask, "How do you know you're following Christ and His will for your life?" Stay tuned for a bonus episode of Locker Room coming up next week with some special guests...

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