Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast



Sandra Rea is one of Irelands foremost spiritual teachers. Named the perfect guide by Womans Way Magazine, she has a genuine passion for helping women to deeply heal, step into their power and live their best life. In each episode Sandra brings you inspired wisdom, spiritual guidance and practical steps to apply the teachings in your life so that you can begin to see the changes you desire. Trust your inner wisdom, know your worth and become your best self.


  • February Angel Reading

    02/02/2022 Duración: 20min

    Some days life can feel so heavy, particularly when your inner and outer world seems to be in chaos. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. February has brought with it a lightness, an openness, a hopefulness… In this episode of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast, we are delving into the energy February brings. I will be sharing with you: - The theme for the month and it’s meaning - The numerology of the month and what to expect. - Key astrological dates and their significance. - Intuitive messages and insights. - And of course the Angel cards for the month ahead. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed or deflated, let this episode be the catalyst to lift your spirits to a lighter way of being. Tune in here Namaste, Sandra P.S. You can get your copy of Presence Awakening to the Light Within here:

  • January Angel Reading

    21/12/2021 Duración: 27min

    Have you noticed that time seems to be speeding up? Our lives seem to be passing by in a whirlwind and it feels like we need to stop to notice the beauty, the joy and the peace that surrounds us. As I was tuning into the theme for the year ahead the word that kept coming up was - Quietude. I’ll explain what that means and I’ll also touch on the numerology of 2022 and it’s significance in this episode. I’ll also be sharing: - The theme for January and how we can work with it for our benefit. - Intuitive messages and guidance for the month ahead. - Astrological dates for the month and their meaning. - Angel cards and their messages for January. And lots more! My hope is that it will support you to have the most wonderful, aligned month ahead. Enjoy and have a wonderful holiday season and many blessings for the New Year. Namaste, Sandra P.S. Here’s the link for The Healing Meditations Bundle I mentioned in the episode:

  • December Angel Reading

    23/11/2021 Duración: 29min

    December is almost upon us and SO much to chat about because it’s bringing with it tremendous energy. It feels like we’re being stretched in two directions daily. On one hand, we have evermore people turning towards spirituality and awakening. On the other hand it seems as if more and more fear is prevalent now more than ever… The month is all about deepening into love, restoring that connecting and expending no effort in the fight against what isn’t really there, what isn’t really real! I’ll delve into this in much more detail in this episode. I’ll also be sharing: The theme for December and how we can use it for our benefit. Intuitive insights I’ve been receiving and their meaning. Key Astrological events in December (including the meteor showers and their significance). Angel cards for the month ahead and which Angels to work with. A hidden card from the Twelve Essence of Love Animals! And so much more! I’m so excited to share all the insights and messages with you. If you want to bridge the gap betwe

  • November Angel Reading

    02/11/2021 Duración: 31min

    I always find November to be a very spiritual month. November is an 11 month which is a master number which helps us to access the higher realms. I’ve been tuning into the energy for November and I’ve so much to share with you. The month ahead brings so much opportunity to access the spiritual realms and to know that they are not outside of us, everything is within us right now. In this episode I share: - The main theme for the month ahead and what it means. - Key Astrological dates during the month and their significance. - The Angel of the month and how to work with them. - Three Angel cards for November and their guidance. This month I’m working with a different deck of Angel cards - Angels of Light. I love the messages these cards bring, always so timely and perfect. My hope is that the messages and the knowledge of what’s to come will support your spiritual growth and help you to flow with the energy November brings. P.S. At the start of the podcast I mention about Vibrate Higher, the November 5-day

  • October Angel Reading

    04/10/2021 Duración: 30min

    I’ve been tuning into the energy for October and I’ve so much to share with you. October is going to bring powerful new waves of opportunity opening up for each of us. An exciting time if we are open to receiving. In this episode I share: - The central theme for the month of October. - Key Astrological dates during the month and their meaning. - How to work with the energy the month brings. - Angel cards for the month ahead and their guidance. We have three gorgeous Angel cards, one from Pagiel’s Suit of Hearts Desire, one from the Twelve Essence of Light Tools and another from the Suit of Mystical Animal Guides. My hope is that the messages and understanding of what’s to come will support your spiritual growth and help you to get the most out of the month ahead. Namaste, Sandra If you’re an empath and you’d like to connect with your Angels, please register for my free training on how to get clear Angel guidance each day:

  • September Angel Reading

    01/09/2021 Duración: 31min

    Welcome September! There is so much I have to share with you in this months episode. There are a lot of cosmic events coming up and global events that are drawing our attention. It may seem overwhelming at times but we’re being called to hold our light so that we can stand strong in our power. During the September Angel Reading I share: - The themes for the month ahead and how they will effect us. - Intuitive messages for September & their importance. - Key astrological events and dates and the significance of the energy they bring. - Angel cards for the month and the guidance they offer. - Angels to work with so you can stay balanced and uplifted. And a lot more! Thank you for tuning in and following the callings of your heart and soul. We are working towards a new earth and each of us has an important role to play. Tune in to the full episode here: My intention is that the insights will inspire you to live in alignment with the cosmic forces at play and to embrace your highest potential. Enjoy and h

  • August Angel Reading

    29/07/2021 Duración: 27min

    There is so much to share in this episode. Usually before I record an episode I will sit down and tune into the energy and receive guidance. This month the information just kept coming through… so it’s a bit longer than usual but worth the extra time spent listening! ;) I start with the theme for August and we see this theme reflected throughout the reading, confirming it’s significance. I also delve into: - Key astrological dates for the month and their meaning. - The major significance of the Lions Gate and New Moon on the same date. - How to connect with the energy and work with your Angels and guides. - The Angel cards for the month ahead and their guidance. - Why it’s so important to step into your power in August. You’ll begin to notice a shift in your energy just listening to this forecast but if you want to go deeper, there is still opportunity to join myself and Shereen Öberg for the Live Lions Gate and New Moon session. You can find out more here: Looking forw

  • Manifesting Dreams, Purpose & Abundance with Monica Vallero

    08/07/2021 Duración: 36min

    Recently I had the pleasure of chatting with Monica Vallero. I just loved her story and the journey she has been on. Monica started out as an actress, comedian and filmmaker before deciding to become a clinical hypnotherapist and success coach and transforming her life in huge ways. She now empowers her clients and students to live the life of their dreams. In this episode we chat about: - How she listened to her heart and made a decision to follow a dream. - The importance of life purpose and how to live it. - Why “abundance is your birthright”. - How to rewire your mind to wealth. - How to work with the laws of the universe and your higher-self in your life and your heart centred business. And so much more! If you’ve been struggling with lack of direction or financial lack, let this conversation open the door to abundance, prosperity and purpose in your life. Monica herself is proof that it is possible to live your dreams in a big way! Enjoy this inspiring episode. LINKS: Lions Gate Portal & Leo New

  • July Angel Reading

    29/06/2021 Duración: 17min

    It’s such a pleasure to share this month Angel reading with you. July is going to be an auspicious month for spiritual growth and we’ll be preparing for the upcoming Lions Gate Portal on the 8/8. I feel that July will be an important month for all of us to grow spiritually and to step up to the next level of being if that’s what we choose. In this episode I share: The Theme for the month of July The numerological significance of the number 7 Key Astrological dates during the month and their meaning. How to work with the energy the month brings Angel cards for the month ahead and their message We have three gorgeous Angel cards, one from the Suite of Sacred Hallows, one from the Suite of Mystical Animal Guides and another from the Twelve Essence of Light Tools. My hope is that the messages and understanding of what’s to come will support your spiritual growth and help you to get the most out of the month ahead. If you’re an empath and you’d like to connect with your Angels, please register for my free tr

  • Finding Your Unique Essence with Shereen Öberg

    21/06/2021 Duración: 46min

    This week I had the chance to chat with author and creator of The Law of Positivism Shereen Öberg. Shereen is on a mission to help others on their spiritual and healing path. I loved hearing her insights, especially how we all have a unique essence and how to uncover it. In this episode Shereen shares: - How her spiritual awakening journey began and the importance of her time in Ireland. - Unveiling the layers to find your unique essence. - Experiencing Angels, Spirit Guides and Goddess energy. - The intention behind the Law of Positivism and how it all began. - One spiritual practice Shereen does each day without fail. And so much more! I really enjoyed chatting with Shereen and experiencing her beautiful energy. You know those moments when you feel so connected to someone, like seeing an old friend, even though it’s your first time meeting? I think you’ll feel the same way when you listen to Shereen. My hope is that this conversation will support you on your own spiritual path and bring greater insigh

  • The Importance of Being an Empath with Michelle Lagaly

    08/06/2021 Duración: 42min

    Recently I had an insightful conversation with Michelle Lagaly. Michelle is an intuitive life coach who helps empaths develop their intuitive abilities. We explored what it means to be an empath, the difficulties, the benefits and everything in between! During this episode Michelle shares: - How to know if you are an empath. - The best way for empaths to honour their sensitivity and take care of themselves. - Why empaths are naturally intuitive but find it difficult to read their intuition. - The limitations empaths experience. - How to set boundaries and protect your energy. And so much more! I hope you find this conversation as useful as I did to better understand what it means to be an empath and how to honour your unique gifts. If you’re an empath and you’d like to connect with your Angels, please register for my free training on how to get clear Angel guidance each day: Full show notes here:

  • June Angel Reading

    01/06/2021 Duración: 15min

    I’m so excited to share this months Angel reading with you. June is one of my favourite months and the energy holds so much opportunity. The theme for June is opening and surrender. A flower can’t blossom open unless it surrenders to the force of nature. If it fights the force of nature and tries to remain closed it won’t reach its full potential. We must surrender to the nature of our true force - love. In this episode I delve into: The key astrological events coming up in June, including the Solstice, their meaning and the energy they bring. The symbology of the number 6, (June is a six month) and how to work with this harmonious energy. Why the 6/6 gateway offers the perfect opportunity for an at home retreat. New Angel cards for the month ahead and how you can work with these Angels and their gifts. My hope is that this episode will help you to attain your true hearts desires. A wonderful doorway is opening up, are you ready to step through? If you're an empath and you’d like to connect with your An

  • Manifesting Through Spirit with Elisabeth Manning

    24/05/2021 Duración: 01h09min

    I was absolutely delighted to chat with Elisabeth Manning in this weeks episode of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast. Elisabeth is a former assistant to the Founder and CEO of NIKE who grew her wings as an online soulpreneur. I so enjoyed this conversation and the delicious wisdom that Elisabeth shares. Among her insights she talks about: - How to follow your souls calling. - What it means to live a spirit led life and to align with your divine agreements. - How to manifest through spirit and why it works better than “traditional” law of attraction techniques. - What sacred fertility is and how to work with it to birth new potential. - What it means to be whole and how to heal the parts of us we think are not whole. - The meaning of age reciprocal resonance and how our children trigger us to heal our wounds. And that’s just a taste of the conversation, we go into a lot more in the full episode!

  • Spiritual Awakening with Helen Hamilton

    10/05/2021 Duración: 01h01min

    Recently I had a conversation that I had been looking forward to for a long time. I was delighted to have the opportunity to chat with Author Helen Hamilton. Helen is a spiritual teacher and after struggling through her own awakening several years ago she was driven by the urge to simplify awakening for all beings. “I just sat with this fear, and I didn’t try to defend myself against it… the strongest fear I’d ever felt, but there was this bliss too and peace, and I didn’t even think it was possible to feel those things at the same time. And I really got in that moment that it’s not fear itself, it’s just an energy… I was experiencing my thoughts about this fear and if I stopped that, which I can step out of in a moment with a question… that it was really just a set of intense sensations running through the body when I wasn’t resisting them. It changed everything for me.” ~ Helen Hamilton During this episode we chat about: - What exactly it means to be awakened. - How Helen overcame her fears and anxieti

  • Angel Reading May 2021

    04/05/2021 Duración: 20min

    Welcome May! We are delighted to experience your wonderful energy! Have you noticed that your fears/issues are coming to the surface for release? If so, you’re not alone. The theme for May is - Unearthing. I explain what this means in this episode and also why you might be experiencing old “stuff” that you thought you’d dealt with. It’s a challenge when this happens but it’s not all bad. It totally depends on our perspective…. When you realise that you can release with ease to make room for something new, something beautiful, the process if tender and loving. It’s only when we fight the releasing and try to avoid it at all costs that it becomes stifling and frustrating. In order to navigate this month and all the many astrological events coming up, I recommend listening to this episode (and taking notes) because it will most certainly help to ease through the month. In this May Angel Reading you’ll learn about: The theme for the month of May and what it means. How May is a 5 month and the impact of the u

  • The Four Pillars of Wellness with Alison Mendyka

    19/04/2021 Duración: 49min

    In this truly nourishing conversation, Alison Mendyka shares her journey and struggles with her self-image and how she resisted meditation until it steered her away from diet-culture and directly towards the ONLY method that helped her break free from a decade of weight struggles. In this episode you’ll hear about: - Using movement as a gateway for transformation for better physical, mental and emotional health. - How weight issues can be a symptom of internal struggles. - Healing body image and body shame through spiritual practices. - The relationship between emotions and food. - Three questions to ask before sitting down to a meal (or snack). - The four pillars of wellness and how to easily incorporate them into each day. I loved hearing her insights, especially how her wellness practices intersect with spiritually… it’s not a case of one or the other, all come together beautifully and support each other. If you’ve been struggling with weight or body image, my hope is that this conversation will open

  • Natalia Komis on Seeing Spirit, Intuition and Divine Feminine

    05/04/2021 Duración: 59min

    I so enjoyed chatting recently with Natalia Komis. Her story is fascinating, I learnt so much… Natalia wears many hats, she is an intuitive business mentor, Creative Light Activator™, soul channel and social entrepreneur. In this episode you will discover: The impact growing up in Greece had on her current work. What it’s like communicating with and seeing spirits. How her intuition saved her life in 2015 when living in Nepal. The importance of having the divine feminine and divine masculine in balance. How to work with the elementals to harness the earths elements in business. And so much more! I know you are going to love hearing her insights and the stories she shares. Full Show notes and links here:

  • Overcome Patterns of Self-Sabotage with Kathrin Niesel

    15/03/2021 Duración: 41min

    You know those moments when you feel like you can’t get out of your own way because you’re procrastinating or doubting yourself and it seems like you’re taking one step forward and two steps backwards? We’ve all been there… It may be that self-sabotage is causing you to procrastinate but you don’t even realise that’s the cause. I had the pleasure recently of chatting with international Coach & Healer Kathrin Niesel who works with female entrepreneurs to help them release success and money blocks on the subconscious, energetic and karmic realm. Kathrin shared her story of how she was the self-sabotage queen, and how she overcame patterns of sabotage to become the successful coach and healer she is today. She talks about the ways we sabotage, some ways she mentions will surprise you, and how to overcome this limiting behaviour. If you’ve been feeling that you’re blocking yourself in some way, let this conversation be the catalyst for healing and release so you can begin to truly thrive. Full show notes and

  • The Voice of the Ancient Divine Feminine - Marcia O’Regan

    08/03/2021 Duración: 58min

    You know those moments when you meet someone for the first time but feel as if you’ve known them forever? That’s how I felt when I met Marcia O’Regan on the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast. When I first heard about Marcia, I just knew I had to chat with her and find out more about the amazing work she does. Marcia is a Soul Guide and founder of Divinely Prosper. She helps spiritually advanced women to align themselves to the fullest extent possible so they can fulfil their calling in this new Aquarian Age. Marcia talks about the visitation from Goddess Isis she experienced two years ago and how she was told “I am the voice of the ancient divine feminine”. We go deep into her work healing the field of the female consciousness, how the womb is a “prosperity vault”, soul colour - the language of our soul and how to find your soul colour blueprint. I know you’re going to L O V E this episode, the points that are made are so important, helping women to own their power and thrive on new levels. Full Show notes

  • March Angel Reading

    01/03/2021 Duración: 15min

    Have you noticed that we’ve reached a turning point, a bit like the upcoming Equinox where the darkness is turning to light. This is the theme of the month ahead - Dawning of the Light. I talk all about this in the March Angel Reading as well as the key astrological dates coming up. I’m also sharing what Angels to work with over the coming weeks and the Angel cards that have come up for March. Tune in for the full reading and remember to subscribe to get the newest episodes. If you are an empath who wants to connect with your Angels, register for my free training on how to get clear Angel guidance each day:

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