Noquen Hihbaan Joi Biblia (no Dramatizada) - Capanahua Bible (non-dramatized)

The Capanahua Audio New Testament (TBL) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible. For a list of other available languages go to our website at

Yine Biblia (no Dramatizada) - Gerotu Tokanchi Gipiratkaluru Bible (non-dramatized)

The Yine Audio New Testament (WBT) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible. For a list of other available languages go to our website at The...

Huitoto Murui Biblia (no Dramatizada) - Huitoto Murui Bible (non-dramatized)

The Huitoto Murui Audio New Testament (TBL) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible. For a list of other available languages go to our website at...

Nomatsiguenga Biblia ( No Dramatizada) - Nomatsigenga Bible (non- Dramatized)

The Nomatsiguenga Audio New Testament (TBL) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible. For a list of other available languages go to our website at...

Yanesha Biblia (no-dramatizada) - Yanesha Bible (non-dramatized)

The Yanesha Audio New Testament (TBL) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible. For a list of other available languages go to our website at The...

Dj Fred / Fred Flaming / Fred & Mykos

Fred Flaming | SN Records | Moscow DJ, MC, Sound Producer. - 2003 .

Canelons Freds

La Didi i la Monsti són dues adolescents que se les empesquen totes per entomar amb humor la vida quotidiana, la difícil relació amb els companys de classe, les dèries dels...


A história de Noé e sua arca é um fascinante conto bíblico que fala sobre a fidelidade e obediência de um homem a Deus. Numa época em que imperava a maldade entre os homens,...

Lord Jim

"Resulta extraordinario cómo vamos por la vida con los ojos entrecerrados, los oídos ensordecidos y el pensamiento adormecido. Quizá no tenga nada de malo; y bien puede ser que...

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