The Todd Herman Show



Todd Herman pledges to tell the truth, honor your intelligence, and fight back against crony capitalists weekdays 3pm to 6pm on AM 770 KTTH.


  • 5 Minute Focus: How to start a conservative revolution. A history of Republican cowardice empowered the gender-jackers -Ep_767_5MF

    16/04/2023 Duración: 07min

    https://4patriots.comStock up on 4Patriots Survival Food Kits. Use code TODD to save 10% on your first order.BioOptimizers promo code TODD for 10% off your order. Bonefroghttps://bonefrog.usEnter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital https://bulwarkcapitalmgmt.comAct now and get Bulwark Capital’s “Common Cents Investing guide FREE. GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet seen on Google more with your worldclass website! Healthycell to better health and save 20% off your first order with promo code TODD. My Pillowhttps://mypillow.comUse code TODD for Closeout pricing on all All Season Slippers. RuffGreens your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, simply cover shipping. SOTA Weight Losshttps://sotaweightloss.comSOTA Weight Loss is, say it with me now, STATE OF THE ART! Texas SuperFoodhttps://texassuperfood.comTexas SuperFood is whole food nutritio

  • Responding to a so-called “transgender” listener’s challenge to me via email and why I don’t regret the day dad died Episode 765

    14/04/2023 Duración: 45min

    A friend who has begun listening to the Podcast and is catching up on emails said something pretty stark to me. “Sometimes, when you talk about your dad dying, it’s like you don’t regret that day. Did you and he have issues?” The answer is, sure, we had some issues but were always very close and I always dearly loved him. And . . . though I was heartbroken and though I miss my dad every day of my life, NO, I do not regret the day he died. I am grateful for that day and I hope that you, upon hearing this, will choose to make your kids grateful for the day you die, if it is something you can control. Speaking of hard conversations, how should we respond when someone tells us they are “transgender?” It depends on who they are to us, of course, but it must be in truth--there is no such thing as being “born in the wrong body”--and in grace, with Christ’s love. This is a note I got via email. It’s from a real person and we have now exchanged emails. In the Podcast, you will hear my response. “My name is HaVEN. Some

  • Biden announces plan to force you to buy electric cars and Its back this time for your house Episode 766

    14/04/2023 Duración: 58min

    The attack on freedom continues with wars on mobility and economic viability. The people who run Joe Biden have announced a plan force car-sellers to sell 67% electric vehicles in an attempt to force you to buy these cars and trucks with kill-switches and government tracking devices built in. From Ireland to the fallen, former State of Washington, the Party is attacking single-family homes with zoning schemes to disappear such homesto taxes intended to drive people out to governments seeking to steal houses to stop the weather. Boss Capo of JP Morgan, Jamie Dimon, apparently wants the government to seize them because: global ice age, global warming, climate change, climate emergency. Something tells me Jamie has an idea on how what he builds in the place of your former home is morally superior. Jamie’s homes will probably get water service, but the people who run Joe Biden want to limit water for rural citizens, but not for city-livers. In other words, Zach and I had a lot to discuss, like how to invest our m

  • 5 Minute Focus: What to say when a person thinks they are “transgender”, The day my dad died & Zach joins Ep_764_5MF

    13/04/2023 Duración: 07min

    https://4patriots.comStock up on 4Patriots Survival Food Kits. Use code TODD to save 10% on your first order.BioOptimizers promo code TODD for 10% off your order. Bonefroghttps://bonefrog.usEnter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital https://bulwarkcapitalmgmt.comAct now and get Bulwark Capital’s “Common Cents Investing guide FREE. GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet seen on Google more with your worldclass website! Healthycell to better health and save 20% off your first order with promo code TODD. My Pillowhttps://mypillow.comUse code TODD for Closeout pricing on all All Season Slippers. RuffGreens your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, simply cover shipping. SOTA Weight Losshttps://sotaweightloss.comSOTA Weight Loss is, say it with me now, STATE OF THE ART! Texas SuperFoodhttps://texassuperfood.comTexas SuperFood is whole food nutritio

  • “All kids are queer . . “ - yes, they believe it. Yes, they are pushing it. Episode 762

    13/04/2023 Duración: 53min

    This is not yet clear to a lot of people: in 2023, our job is to help our families, friends and neighbors survive the cultural revolution with our relationships with God healthy and intact. The Lord is with us in this, He will not leave our side if we won’t keep and practice our faith. We must go back to the very basics of what God thinks, how He acts and what He prescribes for our lives and today, we talk about that. Survival is the job, the Bible has the job description. The enemy has taken too much ground for us to think otherwise and, remember, we have already won. Some of the enemy’s soldiers: A so-called children’s author (read: destroyer of kids) says it right out loud, the goal is to capture the minds and souls of kids from the moment they are born. This is why many of us have been screaming for people to either be in their kid’s schools every single day or get their kids out of government schools. The enemy has well-funded his ruthless and shrewd human army. The NY Post is the first mainstream media

  • Hey, let’s play “threat to our ‘democracy.’” Plus, the Democrats figured out how to go their own Watergate, but all legal-like.  Episode 763

    13/04/2023 Duración: 48min

    John Harwood from CNN decided to promote a statement he made almost a year ago in defense of Joe Biden’s Satanic Speech. He did this because John Harwood has determined that it is a “threat to our ‘democracy’” to NOT ALLOW insurrections against legitimate legislative business. In honor of Harwood’s buffoonery, we go on a hunt today to see if we can somehow find the ACTUAL threats to our Republic, with the Text of the Declaration of Independence as our guide. Is it a threat to our Republic CBS News’s senior political analyst explains Republicans MADE the people in Tennessee who work with a mob that physically battled with cops to get into the legislative chamber and then seized the floor and stopped the business of the people because Republicans were supposed to give them what they screamed to have?Is it a threat to our Republic that the Democrats found a way to do a Watergate Burglary against Trump, at the orders of the people who run Joe Biden as has now been proven beyond any doubt? Maybe it’s a threat to o

  • 5 Minute Focus: They finally admit “queering” kids is their goal But, that’s not a “threat to our ‘democracy’”, right? Ep_761_5MF

    12/04/2023 Duración: 06min

    https://4patriots.comStock up on 4Patriots Survival Food Kits. Use code TODD to save 10% on your first order.BioOptimizers promo code TODD for 10% off your order. Bonefroghttps://bonefrog.usEnter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital https://bulwarkcapitalmgmt.comAct now and get Bulwark Capital’s “Common Cents Investing guide FREE. GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet seen on Google more with your worldclass website! Healthycell to better health and save 20% off your first order with promo code TODD. My Pillowhttps://mypillow.comUse code TODD for Closeout pricing on all All Season Slippers. RuffGreens your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, simply cover shipping. SOTA Weight Losshttps://sotaweightloss.comSOTA Weight Loss is, say it with me now, STATE OF THE ART! Texas SuperFoodhttps://texassuperfood.comTexas SuperFood is whole food nutritio

  • The god of this world and the sudden vision of people in San Francisco Episode 759

    12/04/2023 Duración: 40min

    The god of this world and the sudden vision of people in San FranciscoWe are witnessing Biblical levels of spiritual blindness in D.C., in New Orleans in schools; if people opened their eyes and ears to God, much of this would stop. But, spiritual blindness becomes cultural blindness and we land at this point. Rich people in the richest parts of San Francisco--truly the top 1%--say they hate what their City “has become.” They say this because a colleague was stabbed in the chest, begged people for help from people, was ignored and died. But, what their City “has become?” The San Francisco Police Commissioner, who is not physically capable of any form of street duty and had nothing to say about the effort to find this latest killer, did say he is disturbed to see this killing “politicized” and he wants Elon musk to shut-up about it. San Francisco didn’t “become” a thing, San Francisco was made into a thing by people who would not allow in their businesses the combination of incompetence and blatant intent to h

  • Men who changed me for the better-Part Two Episode 760

    12/04/2023 Duración: 48min

    Men who changed me for the better, Part TwoAs men, we are called to be Lion and Lamb. In 2023 America, we are told to be mute and godless or purple haired and rage-filled for the Glorious Revolution. Still, we are men and we learn from other men. This is Part Two of my reflections on men who changed me for the better, two of whom I barely got to meet and one of whom I think on a daily basis. The guy who knocked me cold in a single punch and could have easily ended me; a cab driver so huge I felt like a 5 year-old boy next to him; a teacher who chose to defend my teenage honor against a colleague while showing that fellow-teacher truth wrapped in grace. What does God say? 1 Corinthians 16:13-14Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?1 Kings 2:2-4 “I am about to go the way of all the earth. Be s

  • 5 Minute Focus: God to San Francisco: Miss me, yet? . . . and Part Two on men who changed me for the better. Ep_758_5MF

    11/04/2023 Duración: 05min

    https://4patriots.comStock up on 4Patriots Survival Food Kits. Use code TODD to save 10% on your first order.BioOptimizers promo code TODD for 10% off your order. Bonefroghttps://bonefrog.usEnter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital https://bulwarkcapitalmgmt.comAct now and get Bulwark Capital’s “Common Cents Investing guide FREE. GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet seen on Google more with your worldclass website! Healthycell to better health and save 20% off your first order with promo code TODD. My Pillowhttps://mypillow.comUse code TODD for Closeout pricing on all All Season Slippers. RuffGreens your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, simply cover shipping. SOTA Weight Losshttps://sotaweightloss.comSOTA Weight Loss is, say it with me now, STATE OF THE ART! Texas SuperFoodhttps://texassuperfood.comTexas SuperFood is whole food nutritio

  • The Good News in the violent demonics trans assaults on women and the special status given black insurrectionists Ep 756

    11/04/2023 Duración: 59min

    The Good News in the violent, demonics “trans” assaults on women and the special status given black insurrectionists.This is Brave & Stunning in 2023: “Peaceful” Red Guards “peacefully” beat and kidnap a woman but it’s okay because “trans” (warning, language at the link!) Riley Gaines, a former elite swimmer who watched her friends and competitors have their medals stolen by a mentally ill man, has become a strange type of women’s right’s advocate. Why strange? Because, in the spiritually captured world of 2023, Riley Gaines takes the position that women exist. For saying so at San Francisco State University, a group of so-called “trans” people and their allies--their Red Guards or Khmer Rouge--assaulted, held her against her will and demanded payment to release her . . . while the police stood by and watched. The University bosses THANKED the ‘’students.” So magic is the meaningless, made-up word “trans” that men publicly beating women is suddenly okay in the eyes of the spiritual captives. So, where is

  • Switzerland stops the mRNA injections, Fauci announces the new pandemic is on the way Episode 757

    11/04/2023 Duración: 53min

    Switzerland stops the mRNA injections, Fauci announces the new “pandemic” is on the way and the FDA gets ready for Round 7 of the mRNA The Covid Horror Show Hoax continues, but there is good news. Switzerland is all done with the mRNA. There will be no mandates, no government programs to get people injected, no pushing or even nudging by government. Better still, any doctor who prescribes the mRNA will be personally liable for any harms or deaths it causes. How many doctors do you think will take the risk. Things are different in the United States of Pharma. Michael P. Singer reports the Pharma Drug Association (“FDA”) is gearing up for a 7th injection! Tony Fauci predicts another “pandemic” and the biggest CDC story of late, Dr. Robert Redfield openly blaming Fauci for causing Covid, has gotten no attention by the Mockingbird Media. This all continues to be vitally important because of the brutal harm mRNA continues to cause.Harm like this: Spike protein accumulates in the brain and causes infarcts, bleeds,

  • 5 Minute Focus: The Good News in the violent, demonic “trans” assaults on women Ep_755_5MF

    11/04/2023 Duración: 05min

    https://4patriots.comStock up on 4Patriots Survival Food Kits. Use code TODD to save 10% on your first order.BioOptimizers promo code TODD for 10% off your order. Bonefroghttps://bonefrog.usEnter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital https://bulwarkcapitalmgmt.comAct now and get Bulwark Capital’s “Common Cents Investing guide FREE. GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet seen on Google more with your worldclass website! Healthycell to better health and save 20% off your first order with promo code TODD. My Pillowhttps://mypillow.comUse code TODD for Closeout pricing on all All Season Slippers. RuffGreens your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, simply cover shipping. SOTA Weight Losshttps://sotaweightloss.comSOTA Weight Loss is, say it with me now, STATE OF THE ART! Texas SuperFoodhttps://texassuperfood.comTexas SuperFood is whole food nutritio

  • The reality of Easter with Pastor Jim Putman Ep_753

    10/04/2023 Duración: 55min

    THE THESIS: Christians must operate in faith and grace. We must be able to explain to non-Christians the source of our joy. Easter is the perfect season to do that. But, how do we tell the story? In what ways can we share the faith with church-curious non-believers? THE SCRIPTURE & SCRIPTURAL RESOURCES: Matthew 26Through the work of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Jim Putman and his team grew Real Life Ministries from 11 people meeting in a basement to an 8,000 member biblical ministry. They teach churches and pastors around the world how to make disciples. Evidence That Demands a Verdict: Life-Changing Truth for a Skeptical Worldhttps://4patriots.comStock up on 4Patriots Survival Food Kits. Use code TODD to save 10% on your first order.BioOptimizers promo code TODD for 10% off your order. Bonefroghttps://bonefrog.usEnter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital https://bulwarkcapitalmgmt.comAct now and get Bulwark Capital’s “Common Cents

  • Googles god is . . . Ep_754

    10/04/2023 Duración: 55min

    THE THESIS: Google has a god called google. We can know this by what Google says about truth and who defines it. God is truth, He provides facts. People can create rules, uncover truths, they can tell the truth but they cannot create truth, but that is what Google says they own. Google wants you to have a god named google. THE SCRIPTURE & SCRIPTURAL RESOURCES: John 14:6–76 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you had known me, you would have known my Father also.1 From now on you do know him and have seen him.”God Is TruthTHE NEWS & COMMENT:Alphabet is the holding company of Google and YouTube, it’s just a tax structure. Google is the Company. Their video service is the second largest search engine. On YouTube, they are running ads about how they find and police misinformation by working with “authoritative ‘experts’”, “medical doctors” and how they reward “trusted sources.” The YouTube page on “misinformation”[AUDIO] - YouTu

  • 5 Minute Focus: Best of Episode on Easter and Google's gods Ep_752_5MF

    10/04/2023 Duración: 05min

    BioOptimizers promo code TODD for 10% off your order. Bonefroghttps://bonefrog.usEnter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital https://bulwarkcapitalmgmt.comAct now and get Bulwark Capital’s “Common Cents Investing guide FREE. GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet seen on Google more with your worldclass website! Healthycell to better health and save 20% off your first order with promo code TODD. My Pillowhttps://mypillow.comUse code TODD for Closeout pricing on all All Season Slippers. RuffGreens your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, simply cover shipping. SOTA Weight Losshttps://sotaweightloss.comSOTA Weight Loss is, say it with me now, STATE OF THE ART! Texas SuperFoodhttps://texassuperfood.comTexas SuperFood is whole food nutrition at its best.

  • Women trapped with murderous men in womens prisons. Linda Wow a volunteer Chaplain joins us with details Episode 750

    07/04/2023 Duración: 01h07min

    The Democrat Party is depraved and spiritually captured. Imagine being a small woman who made enough bad decisions to be in prison. Nevermind the bad decisions happened largely because you were molested by male family members and raped by other men. You were homeless and drug addicted . . . still, you accept responsibility. Now, you are a changed woman! You are a few credits short of graduating, you have accepted the Lord Jesus, you are letting Him change you and you are trying to finish your time in prison with dignity and honor. Then, there is a large, half-naked man standing in your cell, peeing in the unblocked toilet you and he will share for the next year. He will watch you relieve yourself, shower and change. If he so choose, he can walk around naked in front of you, he can pleasure himself or, given his size and strength, he can choose to rape you. According Linda Wow, this is the reality for women to whom she takes the Word of God in “women’s” prison in the separate Country of Washington. What does G

  • Can we ACTUALLY stop the Central Bank Digital Currency Ep_751_Hr-2

    07/04/2023 Duración: 01h23min

    Can we ACTUALLY stop the Central Bank Digital Currency? How can you prepare for what’s coming in finance? Zach Abraham and I spoke to a live audience about that and you get to hear it, now. Idahoans had a lot of questions for Zach Abraham, CIO of Bulwark Capital Management. He and I spent over an hour talk about how ESG Scores make risk-management into just more pandering to D.C. and lead to Silicon Valley Bank collapsing, but Zach went much deeper into that than I had ever heard him go. We addressed the ways people can hedge against the Central Bank Digital Currency--which is actually a Central Bank Digital Control Chip--but Zach was brutally honest about whether we can stop it. Perhaps least important, but of great personal value, you will hear Zach’s prediction about how long he would last in the lake with me and I will give you a post-soak update. What does God say? Matthew 6:19-21Treasures in Heaven19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves br

  • 5 Minute Focus: Democrats reward male rapists and murderers by placing them in “women’s” prisons so they can rape more women. Ep_749_5MF

    07/04/2023 Duración: 06min

    4Patriotshttps://4patriots.comStock up on 4Patriots Survival Food Kits. Use code TODD to save 10% on your first order.BioOptimizers promo code TODD for 10% off your order. Bonefroghttps://bonefrog.usEnter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital https://bulwarkcapitalmgmt.comAct now and get Bulwark Capital’s “Common Cents Investing guide FREE. GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet seen on Google more with your worldclass website! Healthycell to better health and save 20% off your first order with promo code TODD. My Pillowhttps://mypillow.comUse code TODD for Closeout pricing on all All Season Slippers. RuffGreens your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, simply cover shipping. SOTA Weight Losshttps://sotaweightloss.comSOTA Weight Loss is, say it with me now, STATE OF THE ART! Texas SuperFoodhttps://texassuperfood.comTexas SuperFood is whole food

  • Give up your guns so spiritually captive mentally ill men can feel more safe when they beat you Episode 747

    06/04/2023 Duración: 57min

    Give up your guns, it’s for public safety, say Democrats. Meanwhile, mentally ill men who believe they are women facing a holocaust chanted the f-word and then attacked a protester who simply wore a sign that read “Children Cannot Consent to Puberty Blockers.” A female cop, apparently the lead cop, smiled and watched. Later, she told an interviewer the man, called Billboard Chris, had instigated it. While that happened in Canada, the same attitude and behaviors persist in America. After the latest murder by someone--this time a woman--suffering a psychotic break occurred, she was given a virtual pass by the Mockingbirds because Tennessee, where she murdered 6 people, has passed a law to prevent children from being chemically and surgically mutilated. Twitter is STILL banning accounts that question gender-ideologyand its clear coziness to Satanic ritual. Democrat office holders post pro-murder memes promoting Antifa terrorists with guns shooting people who will not pretend boys are girls. Well known Evangelica

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