Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson



Get Your Message Heard with Michael Hudson is the definitive podcast for speakers, consultants, coaches, and thought leaders. The strategies and tactics you'll learn on this show will help you land more clients, land better clients, create impact with your ideas and get your message heard. This show is for ANYONE whos serious about taking their expert business (or career) to the next level.


  • GYMH 44 Communicating the Worth of Your Services with the Value Calculation

    25/12/2017 Duración: 28min

    One major pain point for speakers and consultants is putting a real dollar value on their services. Businesses and business owners often want us to justify our fees so they, in turn, can justify paying them. The best way to approach this is to think about their problems in terms of time – their time – and use the Value Calculation to give them a concrete number of what it will cost NOT to solve the problem.  What is the value of 10 minutes? How much is 10 minutes worth to your client? It doesn't seem like very much in the short term, but consider how quickly it adds up over the course of a year. It's lost time your client could have spent not worrying about the problem you can solve, and since you're calculating hours, you can put an actual number to the value you bring. In addition to the lost time, how much more is spent trying to get back to the original task? Once you've done your job for the client, how will your work continue to benefit the company in time saved? What will it cost the company NOT to sol

  • GYMH 43 The 10 Most Important Things I Learned in 2017

    18/12/2017 Duración: 36min

    Every year of our lives brings with it the opportunity to grow and change, often in small doses at a time. But when you take a moment and look at all of them together, you get a stunning insight on how those small lessons add up to something much bigger and more meaningful. Today, Michael discusses some of the small lessons he learned this year and why they mattered to him. Our hope is that you can relate to many of these lessons, and more importantly, use them to frame 2018 to be one of the best years of your life. So, take a moment to consider each of these and their place in your life as Michael shares their place in his life. And consider how you can use this information to help YOUR clients. Be genuine, real, and kind Share your story and yourself Manage your mindset daily Serve first Create more white space in your life Take electronics holidays on weekends Ask more questions and listen to the answers Done beats perfect every time Talk to more people Take risks and learn from missteps What are the big

  • GYMH 42 How the 3D Framework Works for Consultants and to Speakers

    11/12/2017 Duración: 32min

    The 3D Framework is a big concept that, so when it comes to implementing it on a granular level, where do you start? You start with a question: what's the outcome we want to design? Which brings us to the first D in the framework. Design The end game matters, and the very first question you should ask is whether you're the right person to solve the problem. It doesn't do a lot of good to chase jobs for the money, so if the answer is no, walk away. We should spend our time serving where we can do our best work. If the answer is yes, then the second part of design begins. You might be right for the client, but are you right for his or her audience? What do those people think and feel, and how are they positioned in the process? For speakers and consultants, you need to make sure every design decision you make will bring you closer to the outcome, the end game, you have decided on with your client, in relation to the audience. Once you've done this, you can move on to the second phase of the 3D Framework. Devel

  • GYMH 41 Design, Develop, and Deliver Transformation for Your Clients

    04/12/2017 Duración: 31min

    Last week we talked about the Ask. Listen. Learn. Serve. Mantra. You ask because you want to learn. You listen to ensure you learn. You engage in conversation to prove that you understand. Then you bring your expertise to bear with what you've learned, and you've earned the right to serve them on a deeper level. That is what leads to a sale of your services. The challenge is that some people don't realize transformation is possible. Our work is to push them in a way that opens their eyes to the possibilities. People won't act until they are motivated to do so, when they can see the outcome. To do that, you Design, Develop, and Deliver. Design the outcome. You never start anything unless you know what you're trying to get out of it. Defining an outcome is easy, but designing one is another thing altogether. It requires a deeper understanding of the process, the people, and what success in the outcome truly is. Develop the path. Where do your expertise, your stories, and your journey come in to play? You might

  • GYMH 40 - The Path to Impact is Ask, Listen, Learn, & Serve

    27/11/2017 Duración: 34min

    But there’s a downside to isolation that limits our impact…spending too much time in our own heads can lead to overthinking and ultimately to misunderstanding the very people we seek to serve.   The simple truth is that working on our own will never reveal what we most need to know about those we seek to attract—the words they use in their minds to describe the way they feel, the pain they are experiencing, the outcome they wish they had.   The good news is that there is an easy process for solving this problem. A way to gain insight into the way your audience sees their world. A way to position yourself as one who can help them overcome the challenges they are facing.   I call it The Ask. Listen. Learn. Serve. Mantra.   This week’s episode of Get Your Message Heard reveals how you can use it to engage with your target audience and define your path to impact. 

  • GYMH 39 - Are You Sharing Your Thanks and Gratitude Enough?

    20/11/2017 Duración: 20min

    In honor of the Thanksgiving Day holiday in the US, this week’s episode is about gratitude and giving thanks. Too often we put the bar to high before we make the time to express our thanks and gratitude. Instead of capturing the moment and just letting others know how grateful we are, we look for a way to make a bigger splash in expressing our appreciation. The result: Often it never happens because we put an obstacle in our way. Or, worse yet, we completely forget to acknowledge the little things—yeah, the ones that really matter and over time accumulate to create significant impact. Why not make it a habit to capture the moments and acknowledge them? Why not make it a part of who you are to look for the ways that people help and serve others, then recognize them for their efforts. If you’re a regular listener, then you know that each episode of this podcast challenges you to reach out to someone and express your gratitude for the way they have impacted your life. With Thanksgiving upon us, why not commit to

  • GYMH 38 - Strategic Partnerships: Waste of Time or Path to Impact?

    13/11/2017 Duración: 32min

    Most of us who lead expertise-based businesses work alone. We focus our effort in a specific topic area. We serve a specific type of client or market niche. We solve a specific problem for those we serve.   As our relationships with the clients we serve grow strong we become trusted advisors—people they turn to for help on a regular basis. But often the solutions to those other problems are not within our core areas of expertise and experience.   Though it’s tempting to want to step up, learn what is necessary, and deliver an intervention that solves the problem, that is seldom the best path. You run the risk of compromising your relationship, and if you’re really honest with yourself you know someone else could solve it better.   So what do you do? Develop a strategic partnership to bring someone in who is an expert in that area by creating a strategic partnership (aka strategic alliance) for the project.   This episode of the Get Your Message Heard podcast explores the idea of strategic partnerships/allian

  • GYMH 37 - What's Your Core Framework?

    06/11/2017 Duración: 32min

    If you’re anything like me you love to create content. It’s a path to sharing your insights with others, and sometimes it’s the easiest way to clarify and focus your thinking on a topic. But you know what? There comes a time when you need to stop creating more content and leverage what you have created. To look at those files and piles of documents created from your ideas and look for a way to share them so you can create more impact for the audience you serve. For most of us the very idea of pulling back on creation is frightening. We’ve become very good at creating new stuff, we enjoy it, and everybody knows it’s what we need to do to build our platforms. The idea of shifting our energy to refining and repurposing feels uncomfortable, and to some of us downright boring. Yet only through doing that will you be able to create your most significant impact. Because stepping back and examining what you’ve created is the key to defining a strategic path for your work moving forward—a path where you define your co

  • GYMH 36 - Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should

    30/10/2017 Duración: 29min

    For those of us in the expert space (speakers, coaches, consultants, writers, and content creators) is that it's very easy to get distracted by a new idea. We see a path we can take and it captures out attention--often taking our focus off of what we were already working on that is not yet complete.   We know we can do it, and we want to recapture the energy that comes with a new project. And frankly what we are working on is not panning out as we planned, so why not refocus our effort and energy?   In today's podcast I share some thoughts on this topic--something I understand all too well and struggle with more than you know.   My bottom line on the subject is this: There is value in Following One Course Until Success (i.e., FOCUS), even if the success is that you learn it won't work. Where most of us go wrong is that we give up too soon, before we've even shared our work with enough (of the right) people to know if it connects or not.   My advice, and my decision in the case I discuss on the podcast, is to

  • GYMH 35 - Wrap Up the Old or Plan the New?

    23/10/2017 Duración: 32min

    The last few weeks of the year always challenges me. Usually there are a number of projects and action items remaining on my list, and I am never quite sure whether to focus my energy on doing them.   The truth is that in the past I never asked that question. I just pushed through and made sure all of the goals and objectives I had set earlier in the year were completed--ever box had to be checked off!   But you know what I learned?   Doing that doesn't serve me, my business, or my clients well. In fact, it takes my attention off of what matters most at this time of the year ... setting the stage for a quick start in the New Year.   That's why a few years ago I started subjecting my action list to this question every October: If I wasn't already doing this, would I begin?   When I ask that question (and answer honestly) I realize that some of the things I thought mattered early in the year are no longer relevant. So I started taking action to remove them from the list.   What did I gain?   Margin.   The margi

  • GYHM 34 - You are the Product (and You Need to Take Care of Yourself)

    18/10/2017 Duración: 33min

    Sometimes it's all too easy to forget that you are the product. That means you need to show up bright and shiny, with no dings, no dents, and no distractions.   That's why you need to take care of yourself at every turn. Whether it's planning travel, managing your content, balancing downtime and connection time, protecting your intellectual property, or engaging a coach to push you and keep you on track, making a conscious effort to be your best every time you step out to serve matters.   In today's episode I explore each of these topics a bit and share some insights stimulated by a hectic week where I did intentionally did some things different while traveling.   Some of it worked, and some of it didn't.   But there were some lessons and insights worth sharing to support your success as you make decisions about how you will build your business.   Here are the key topics covered in this 'potpourri' episode: 4:00 – Planning to Travel to Protect Your Energy 8:30 – Providing Information: Too Much, Too Little,

  • GYMH 33 - Think Like A Performer: It Will Increase Your Speaking Impact Everytime

    09/10/2017 Duración: 36min

    There's a significant shift when you start thinking of your presentations as a performance rather than a speech. There are many underlying things performers do differently than "speakers" ... and these have some terrific ramifications for us when we speak. It elevates the importance of our speech, and it also means we need to script and rehearse things more than we think. In this episode, I share 3 additional takeaways from my time at Michael Port's Heroic Public Speaking conference: Sourcing stories Feedback 7-step rehearsal protocol Have A Question? I'd Love to Answer. Simply email and your question will be answered on a future episode of the podcast. I will also send you a free copy of my book, Public Speaker Secrets. Download Your Copy of the 3-Step Roadmap to Start, Run, and Grow Your Speaking Business This free guide contains my best strategies to help you start, run, and grow a speaking business from scratch. Download it today and you'll access to time-tested tactics that I'

  • GYMH 32 - Your Greatest Pain Is the Path To Your Greatest Impact

    02/10/2017 Duración: 30min

    I recently attended Michael and Amy Port's Heroic Public Speaking event, and what an event it was! As I listened to presenter after presenter, I was struck by a common theme woven through the most effective speeches: "The source of your most significant pain is the path to your greatest impact."   In this episode, I share my thoughts on how you can constructively weave in authenticity and vulnerability into your speeches without feeling like you're drawing undue attention to yourself.    Authenticity will always have an audience, but striking the right balance can be a challenge. Tune in to today's episode for some tactful recommendations on how to balance the right amount of authenticity and information into your speech. Have A Question? I'd Love to Answer. Simply email and your question will be answered on a future episode of the podcast. I will also send you a free copy of my book, Public Speaker Secrets. Download Your Copy of the 3-Step Roadmap to Start, Run, and Grow Your Speaki

  • GYMH 31 - Burning The Boats: Should You Find Success By Getting Rid Of Your Safety Net?

    25/09/2017 Duración: 31min

    You've probably heard some version of the "burn the boats story." One version is that in 1519, eleven ships carrying 600 Spaniards landed on an inland plateau that would one day be known as Mexico. Their goal was to conquer an empire that had amassed a massive fortune. However, with just 600 men, most of whom were vastly under supplied, the prospect of conquering the vast Aztec empire seemed like an impossible task. Rather than charge forward, the commander Cortes gathered his men on the beach and ordered them to burn the ships they just arrived on, effectively destroying their only escape route. The only choice left was to push forward and succeed. It's easy to see how many entrepreneurs often find themselves in similar (though probably not as life-threatening) circumstances. To be a business is to contend with a constant sense of being outmanned, outgunned, and out planned. Sometimes, burning your ships and eliminating your safety net is the only way to push forward in the face of daunting odds, and it's wh

  • GYMH 30 - The Importance of Being Committed and Staying True to Your Word

    18/09/2017 Duración: 38min

    What are you committed to? This question is more difficult to answer than you might expect. Outside of the obvious, such as family, friends, health, well-being, etc., it's important to examine how your values carry over into your business practices.  In this episode, I share a few little things that go a big way in conveying your commitment to your clients: things like placing their logo on your handouts, or just following up on what you say. Speaking of commitment, I'm recording this episode at 4:30AM because yes: I'm committed to you! Have A Question? I'd Love to Answer. Simply email and your question will be answered on a future episode of the podcast. I will also send you a free copy of my book, Public Speaker Secrets. Download Your Copy of the 3-Step Roadmap to Start, Run, and Grow Your Speaking Business This free guide contains my best strategies to help you start, run, and grow a speaking business from scratch. Download it today and you'll access to time-tested tactics that I'

  • GYMH 29 - Are You Consuming Content Or Is Content Consuming You?

    11/09/2017 Duración: 25min

    Many of us in the "expert business" love to consume content. We're just wired that way - we love to consume information, process, and figure things out. The challenge is whether we're consuming content in an effective manner and whether it serves us well. In this episode, I ask three questions to help you weigh the choice of what content you choose to consume: What content are you consuming? (Where are you spending your time?) Why are you consuming this particular content? How is the consumption of this content moving the ball down the field for your business? Tune into today's episode and you'll hear how I personally weigh my content selections, including how I navigate the fine line of taking "downtime" content and applying it to my "uptime" business-building work. Have A Question? I'd Love to Answer. Simply email and your question will be answered on a future episode of the podcast. I will also send you a free copy of my book, Public Speaker Secrets. Download Your Copy of the 3-

  • GYMH 28 - The Untold Story Behind How I Launched My Brand and Business

    04/09/2017 Duración: 34min

    Have you ever felt the universe "conspire" to give you exactly what you need at exactly the right time? This has happened to me on more than one occasion, whether through a book, a phone call, an opportunity, an email, and yes - even a social media post. In this episode I share the seemingly random events behind how I went from college professor to consultant - but more than that I go into detail on the series of small encounters, people, and conversations I've had that ended up having big impact on my life path. My hope is that you will be encouraged to: Keep yourself in gratitude Keep yourself open to the universe, and what it brings your way Keep yourself teachable to the feedback of others Have A Question? I'd Love to Answer. Simply email and your question will be answered on a future episode of the podcast. I will also send you a free copy of my book, Public Speaker Secrets. Download Your Copy of the 3-Step Roadmap to Start, Run, and Grow Your Speaking Business This free guide

  • GYMH 27 - Get Off The Nail (A Wisdom Story to Live By)

    28/08/2017 Duración: 31min

    In today's episode I talk about one of the most influential stories I've ever heard: The Howling Dog Story. There was a young man walking down the street and happened to see a old man sitting on his porch. Next to the old man was his dog, who was whining and whimpering. The young man asked the old man “What’s wrong with your dog” The old man said “He’s laying on a nail”. The point of the story is that the dog feels pain, but not enough to move.  I've seen this scenario play out in countless situations in business and life, including my own. In this episode, I peel back the curtain and share some very personal experiences into how this story has shaped me to get my message heard.  Have A Question? I'd Love to Answer. Simply email and your question will be answered on a future episode of the podcast. I will also send you a free copy of my book, Public Speaker Secrets. Download Your Copy of the 3-Step Roadmap to Start, Run, and Grow Your Speaking Business This free guide contains my bes

  • GYMH 26 - The Importance of Pushing & Provoking People Out of Their Comfort Zone

    21/08/2017 Duración: 46min

    Today, the podcast takes a different turn as Jody Maberry interviews me about my experience at Mike Kim's Influence & Impact conference last week. One of the big takeaways from my experience there was the importance of being candid -- even as it pertains to pushing people out of their comfort zones. It's all-too-easy to stay polished and poised, but I'm finding that real impact is made when I truly "own" who I am and what I do. My friends have referred to me at times as an "agitator" -- someone who pushes and provokes people out of their comfort zone and into breakthrough. Join me and Jody Maberry for this candid conversation right off the heels of our time together in New York. Have A Question? I'd Love to Answer. Simply email and your question will be answered on a future episode of the podcast. I will also send you a free copy of my book, Public Speaker Secrets. Download Your Copy of the 3-Step Roadmap to Start, Run, and Grow Your Speaking Business This free guide contains my

  • GYMH 25 - How to Make Sure Perfectionism Doesn’t Cripple Your Progress

    14/08/2017 Duración: 25min

    Nothing threatens your success in getting your message heard more than the desire to do everything perfectly. Have you ever considered the pitfalls of perfectionism? It leads to isolation, and isolation kills creativity. It ignores what the user wants. It violates the recipe of Ask, Listen, Learn, Serve. In this episode, I also share candidly about how perfectionism trapped me in my head and led to me never shipping a product or service. Tune in today for the full story. Have A Question? I'd Love to Answer. Simply email and your question will be answered on a future episode of the podcast. I will also send you a free copy of my book, Public Speaker Secrets. Download Your Copy of the 3-Step Roadmap to Start, Run, and Grow Your Speaking Business This free guide contains my best strategies to help you start, run, and grow a speaking business from scratch. Download it today and you'll access to time-tested tactics that I've used to help hundreds of coaches, consultants, and professiona

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