Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson



Get Your Message Heard with Michael Hudson is the definitive podcast for speakers, consultants, coaches, and thought leaders. The strategies and tactics you'll learn on this show will help you land more clients, land better clients, create impact with your ideas and get your message heard. This show is for ANYONE whos serious about taking their expert business (or career) to the next level.


  • GYMH 64 Winging It vs. Preparing It

    14/05/2018 Duración: 36min

    What’s the difference between preparing and winging? When you get serious about preparing, you shift your whole process. Instead of walking into the room and trusting your ability to read the audience on the fly, you’re learning what they need in advance, and shaping your message for them and only for them. Michael discusses his shift in perspective away from winging it, and how you can use preparation to deliver your most impactful message possible. Never wing a performance. Michael shares a confession with us – up until a few weeks ago, he had never written a speech in his life. Some people rely on their ability to read the audience, improvise, and react on the fly. Michael shares his journey from relying on talent, to developing his skill to a deeper level. Change your preparation. Are you a preparer, or do you tend to wing it? If you have natural talent, winging it will get you to a decent place. But if you’re committed to being someone who changes people’s lives, you need to come in with your message map

  • GYMH 63 The Journey from Talent to Craft

    07/05/2018 Duración: 30min

    When you think of a craftsperson, what comes to mind? Probably someone who is very skilled and very talented, but who has taken that skill to a level that differentiates them and makes them stand out. Michael looks at expertise entrepreneurship through the lens of craftsmanship and getting beyond relying on your natural talents. Talent will only get you so far. People who are naturally talented at speaking may have a bit of a headstart. But talent can also allow you to be lazy and avoid being the best you can be. If you rely on talent to get you through, then you don’t allow yourself to develop your craft, and you limit the impact you could create and the people you could be serving. Think about the times when talent has gotten you through, but maybe you walked away and thought, “I could have done more.” We all have the ability to be doing better than we’re currently doing. Our goal should be to be judged not by how well we did, but how well we did relative to the tools and capacity we have. In order to hone

  • GYMH 62 How to Put Yourself In the Right Rooms

    30/04/2018 Duración: 27min

    How do we gain access to other minds that push us to think deeper, and who give us relevant, useful insight? How do we put ourselves around people who push us to go deeper? Michael expands on a key concept from previous episodes – putting yourself in the right rooms to intentionally create the space for growth – through exploring  the idea of mastermind groups. Don't rely on your inner circle. We care deeply about our family and friends, but the fact is, they can’t always give us the feedback we need, in the context we need it. So how do we find the people we need to be in the room with to push ourselves to go deeper? Be intentional. What people can generate together is much more than the sum of what they can generate individually. When you bring a group of people together with the intent of focusing on helping each other achieve more success in their lives, a collective mastermind emerges. These are the magical moments we’re looking for, and you need to work intentionally to create them. Creating groups of p

  • GYMH 61 What I Learned from Becoming a Better Public Speaker

    23/04/2018 Duración: 46min

    In this episode Michael shares his five big takeaways from the Heroic Public Speaking Graduate School Process. This program is a 16-day, 4-month, individually-tailored process to help you become a better speaker. Michael discusses how to focus on content, rehearse more effectively, and take risks to get where you need to go. You can’t be you if you’re in the wrong room. Context matters – luckily, you can choose your context. The wrong rooms are the places where you can’t be you. How do the rules of the room change the way you play? You can know you’re in the wrong room when your environment is holding you back – pay attention to your environment, and once you’re in the right room, you will thrive. Content comes first, every single time. Often people rely on their ability to speak powerfully and don’t go deep enough in creating content that will best serve their audience. Who will be in the room, and what do they need? Whose stories can you find that will strengthen your message? How much research have you don

  • GYMH 60 Three Questions to Secure the Future of Your Business

    16/04/2018 Duración: 33min

    There are three key questions that can push companies to think bigger, envision the future more vividly, and find better strategies to get there. What is your message? Who is that message for? And if you weren’t already doing what you’re doing now, would you start? Michael discusses how to think about these questions in ways that will get you on the path towards where you want to go with your business. Think strategically about your business. We often get caught up in the day-to-day work of being in business and don’t step back to ponder where we’re going. If you don’t know where you’re headed, then you’re not going to know when you get there. Michael discusses goal orientation, not as a dollar amount, but as a detailed vision of the future. What is your message? We each have a unique perspective on the world that gives us power to impact other people’s lives. The most important part of reaching people is having clarity about what that message is. Michael talks about common pitfalls in framing your message th

  • GYMH 59 The Biggest Mistake Expertise Entrepreneurs Make

    09/04/2018 Duración: 28min

    Without input from the people you want to serve, your business is doomed before it even begins. You can see evidence of this: many would-be entrepreneurs try to package what worked for them and sell it. It looks great on the outside, but once their customers try to implement it, they don’t have the same success. Why is this? Because the situations, skillsets, and circumstances are different. Ask questions. We all need to ask more questions. More importantly, we need to ask the RIGHT questions and then listen, truly listen, to the answers. It’s easy to get carried away with excitement and to do most of the talking, but that keeps you from hearing what your audience wants and needs. Follow the ‘ask, listen, serve’ mantra. Asking questions helps you understand. If you’ve ever taken a copywriting course you’ve learned that you need to join the conversation in your audience’s heads. What this means is you know what they’re thinking about, and you’re able to use the same words and phrases they are using when they t

  • GYMH 58 Those questions that just won't go away

    02/04/2018 Duración: 34min

    In this episode Michael answers three very frequently asked questions that keep coming up again and again. First: what can I do to get my first speaking, coaching, or consulting engagement? Second: how can I get better at writing content, whether it be for sales copy, speeches, or promotion? And third: how can I get testimonials and referrals when I don’t have clients yet? An essential listen for new entrepreneurs and veterans alike. Michael shares scores of practical tips to help you grow and improve your business.   1. How do I get my first paid speaking, coaching or consulting engagement? Sometimes when you’re just starting out building your business, breaking into a field can feel daunting. Michael shares his personal strategies, including a step-by-step process to get that first paid gig.   Leveraging your network Michael discusses the importance of using your network to get off the ground – learn strategies to help you figure out who to reach out to and how to ask the right questions to make solid busin

  • How to Trust the Process

    26/03/2018 Duración: 39min

    Do you hate the phrase, ‘trust the process?’ If so, you’re probably someone who wants to jump right into action and there’s nothing wrong with that. We all love doing what we’re good at and it can be uncomfortable to do what’s counterintuitive. But sometimes we have to. We might need guidance on when to take action and what action to take. Today, Michael talks about trusting the process for all of you who don’t. I don’t have time to trust the process. It might not seem like you have time. But the truth is trusting the process is worth it every single time. It doesn’t take a genius to define a process that will work every single time. What you see as wasting time is actually being more efficient and able to succeed far more often. Whatever you are seeking is seeking you. While you’re busy taking action and flying by the seat of your pants, it’s possible you will miss the answers you need. Have you heard of the concept of white space? It’s something that far too few of us honor in our busy lives. Giving yoursel

  • GYMH 56 The Importance of Pushing & Provoking People Out of Their Comfort Zone

    19/03/2018 Duración: 49min

    It takes courage to be candid, to be called an agitator, a contrarian. If you are, it probably means you’re pushing people outside of their comfort zone. They don’t always appreciate that. Michael and his guest Jody Maberry talk about how you should ‘own’ who you are even if it makes people uncomfortable. You might help someone with a breakthrough that could change their life. What it means to provoke Jody and Michael talk about Michael’s keynote speech at Mike Kin’s Influence and Impact conference, and how to wow a crowd. He didn’t do it by pandering; he provoked. He spoke into them, not at them. Michael shares what parts of his life made him that way, and the lessons he took from it. Jody doesn’t throw Michael any softballs. He poses a very important question: if you’re such an agitator, why doesn’t your podcast audience know it? Why are you so polished and professional without being the agitator you truly are. Living up to your potential Michael has an inexplicable drive to help people live up to their pot

  • GYMH 55 How to Think Big in Your Business

    12/03/2018 Duración: 30min

    One of the best ways we can extend our thinking is to talk to people who see things differently. They ask different questions and can inspire you to think differently. Sometimes we think our goal is simply networking – trying to meet as many people as possible. But how do you go deeper to make real connections and develop your thinking? One of the pathways to thinking bigger about your business is by talking to people at a deeper level, and Michael discusses how to make it happen. Are you thinking big enough for your business and your future? Are you looking for ways to transfer your knowledge to new contexts in order to grow your business? Or are you playing it safe? Michael talks about how to take the skills and knowledge you already have and transfer them to new contexts and markets. There are three levels of markets that your business is going to serve: 1 – people who just want the free stuff. They are interested in the information, in learning, and in getting what they can out of the content you create.

  • GYMH 54 Overcoming The Barriers to Purpose with Kevin Monroe

    05/03/2018 Duración: 42min

    On our paths to purpose, we all meet with barriers that make us wonder if we'll ever find what we are meant to do or how we will do it. Not too long ago Dr. Michael Hudson was interviewed for the Higher Purpose Podcast by his good friend, Kevin Monroe, about many types of barriers and how they both have overcome them. They also share the things they learned and how you can apply it in your everyday life. Do you need permission to follow your purpose? Permission, clarity, and self-doubt are some of the most common factors that affect people. Do we feel we need to have permission to follow our purpose? How clear do we need to be on our purpose before we move forward? And finally, the self-critic, asking 'who am I' to do this. Ever thought any of those yourself? Is money holding you back? One of the other most common barriers on the list is the financial ability to follow one's purpose. How will you finance your dream? Michael shares his own take on the money aspect, asking: Is that just an excuse? How do you fe

  • GYMH 53 Attending and Hosting a Live Event

    26/02/2018 Duración: 21min

    Live events are a hassle. You’ve got to quit your daily routines, take time off from busy lives, pay for travel, lodging, and the event itself. But here’s the truth. If you’re a thought leader, you probably aren’t attending, or holding, enough live events. What are the pros and cons, and how can you get the most out of live events? Attending Live Events The biggest mistake people make when they attend live events is to go into ‘student mode.’ You want to make every class, take all the notes you can, and try to squeeze every last drop of information out of the event. But that’s the wrong way to go about it. It’s the same with networking. It’s not about how many people you can introduce yourself to. Instead you have to ask yourself how many true connections did you make with people you can work with in the future? Putting on a Live Event There’s no doubt you’ve considered what it would take to host your own live event. Maybe you already have. Unless you have an established presence or brand, a live event isn’t

  • GYMH 52 How to Create Amazing Content as a Speaker and Consultant

    19/02/2018 Duración: 23min

    Last week we talked about was how to share your content. This week, we dig into something deeper, more subjective. Is your content truly ready to share? Have you allowed it to gestate and grow? Michael talks about how to create amazing content, and more importantly, when it will be ready to share. Everyone has a deep content idea. What is that? It’s the heart of your message, a piece of content that will provide incredible value to your audience. Maybe you haven’t been able to translate it to words or images yet, but it’s there, gestating. What idea has been with YOU for a long time? What’s stopping you from creating content from it? Often, your content tells you when it’s ready. Have you ever caught yourself working on one idea but thinking about another? That usually happens when that second idea is ready to become content. Chances are that piece of content isn’t going to give you any peace until you create it. Don’t worry if it’s not fully formed yet; you will have a chance to improve it. Sharing an idea i

  • GYMH 51 Fix Your Coaching Strategy and Increase Your Reach

    12/02/2018 Duración: 31min

    We all hit a point in our careers and dreams when we realize we need to adjust our strategy. Sometimes it’s a sudden realization, sometimes it’s because of failure, and other times, it’s because we sat down and talked with other people. Is it time for you to take stock of what you’re doing and consider a pivot of your own? Sometimes when you set the bar too high, you never start. A great example is creating content for your audience or tools for prospective clients. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to make something fantastic. But in truth, you might just be preventing yourself from creating something very good and useful because you want it to be perfect instead. Effective is better than perfect. What we do is never ‘one and done.’ It’s amazing how many people in the expert space that believe this is the way to do client work. They deliver a great, effective experience for a client, and that’s it. They are missing the opportunity to share it with others again and again. One of the must-do actions in the ex

  • GYMH 50 The Unexpected Benefits of Podcasting

    05/02/2018 Duración: 27min

    Podcasts are hot right now. There are so many people wondering whether they should podcast, especially when it’s an excellent platform to reach your audience in a different way. But is podcasting right for you? Today, Michael talks through the pros and cons of podcasting and asks some very specific questions to help you decide. A podcast is a great way to get clarity on what matters to you. One of the benefits of podcasting is something few people consider. Talking about your topic, your message, your ideas helps you develop them further. More importantly, you become better at communicating those ideas effectively, both inside and outside the podcast. Is that something that would help you right now? A podcast helps you master consistency. When you commit to doing something every week and people are waiting to hear it, it’s a great motivator to get it done. This is true of podcasts. Consistency is key to a successful podcast, and the commitment you made will help you create more content by changing the way you

  • GYMH 49 How to Be a Successful Purpose Consultant with Kevin Monroe

    29/01/2018 Duración: 47min

    Michael welcomes his dear friend, Kevin Monroe, and they engage in a revealing conversation about how they both have transitioned from six-figure consulting gigs to full time purpose consultants. Each brings a unique insight into how they're making it work, and how you can, too. Are you ready to make the same leap? Don’t burn the boat. Kevin and Michael both have infused their lives with purpose and a mission, but that doesn’t mean they quit doing what made them successful in the first place. If you’re making a transition, you can take so much of what you’ve done in the past and retool it to serve the audience in a different way. Often, you need to make several attempts, or experiments, to learn what will work for you and your audience.  Don’t wait for your ‘avatar.’ The people you want to serve aren’t bodiless souls. They aren’t an avatar or a niche. They are real, breathing people. And you don’t find people by standing still where you are. If you want to find the type of clients you want to serve, the best

  • GYMH 48 The 5 Mistakes That Drive Clients Away

    22/01/2018 Duración: 29min

    You might be your own worst enemy when it comes to getting and keeping clients. Chances are if you're doing one of these 5 things, you probably don't even realize it, so you'll repeat the mistakes over and over again. It's a provocative thing to suggest. You might even be offended, but it's time to ask some hard questions about why you're not getting, or keeping, clients. We'll also talk about how to address those problems. Talking too much When you meet with a prospective client, or even an existing client, it can be easier to talk too much. If you're doing even half of the talking, it's probably too much. If you talk too much trying to sell your solution to their problem, you're minimizing the chances of you getting the work. If you do manage to get the gig, talking too much hurts your chances of getting rehired. Michael explains how to ask and listen. Not doing the work  We want to buy lists, download freebies, find shortcuts that will tell us where to find clients. We want someone to point at who we shoul

  • GYMH 47 5 Reasons to Focus on Long-Term Engagements

    15/01/2018 Duración: 34min

    Do you ever feel disconnected, like you're getting too little from the energy you pour into your work? Maybe you're approaching freelancing the wrong way. If you've listened to the podcast, you know by now that we aren't fans of 'drive-by impact' and chasing customers, living gig to gig. If you want another way to use your creativity and have stability and deep meaning in your work, this episode is for you. It creates a more sustainable business where you spend your time doing what you do best. Think about it: what part of your job do you enjoy the most? Is it getting clients, or getting your clients the results they want? When you have long-term engagements with clients, it takes the pressure off you to scramble for more and enables you to do your fulfilling work. The stuff you're good at. Long-term engagements deepen your understanding of the problems your clients face. There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution for every problem your clients face. If you aren't spending time with them, in their industry, lea

  • GYMH 46 The 7 Cs to Make 2018 the Start of the Best Decade Ever

    08/01/2018 Duración: 30min

    When you sit down to plan your resolutions for the new year, what's your mindset? Are you focused on a 'to-do' list of things to check off for the year, or are you planning with the intention of creating not just the best year of your life, but also the best decade? As you listen to this episode make sure you take notes of the 7 Cs Michael shares, but also, the action he recommends. Not only will you be crystal clear on the big picture, but staying in touch with it will help you make all the smaller decisions without needing an overwhelming to-do list. The 7 Cs for 2018 and Beyond Calendar - if you don't have a great system for managing your calendar, get one in place. Just as importantly, be protective of your time. Challenges – you will face them. But the most significant challenges you will face will come from within. Confront them with the attitude of 'whatever this is, it's here to teach me something.' Clients – customers is a popular word, but in truth, when you think of people as clients, your whole m

  • GYMH 45 How To Book More Clients with The Ultimate Proposal Template

    01/01/2018 Duración: 26min

    This template reflects a mindset and process shift that Michael experienced nearly twenty years ago when he was in a meeting with a CEO who was unable to think broadly about the impact he wanted and the problem he had. Michael realized that this person was trying to treat symptoms instead of fixing problems. He was thinking EVENTS instead of ENGAGEMENT. Learn what that really means. Get the FREE Ultimate Proposal Template Events vs. Engagement In event thinking, the client identifies the problem, finds an expert, and invites them to come and speak or consult. But what if the client doesn't understand the problem? In engagement thinking, the client identifies the problem, reaches out to you, and you conduct a pre-planning process. You assess where things are and what the real problem is. Then you're able to deliver support that will make a real change.  When you can tailor your support and services to your clients' real needs – not just what they think is wrong, you set yourself up to be hired over and over ag

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