Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day



A weekly, quick podcast of about 5 minutes that features a tip about the paleo, ancestral, or barbarian template type of lifestyle. A succinct summation by your own PaleoJay!


  • Crucial Exercise You Ignore on PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe

    08/10/2019 Duración: 13min

    You should address each and every part of your body on a daily, or at least near-daily basis!  For me, each day when I arise, I go through a brief limbering session right away, in the bathroom before going downstairs- rotating all of my joints, and gradually awakening with deep breathing and simple mobility movements.  (I hesitate to call them ‘exercises’, since they are simple, easy, and enjoyable, taking a maximum of 2-3 minutes total).Next, downstairs, I brew my coffee, feed the cats, and go into my workout area.  (The Living Room!)  I start the TV, and my workout at the same time, only pausing to sip my organic brew…  it is the very best, most satisfying part of my day!  It not only grounds me, it gradually energizes me in that early morning hour or so that I devote to both myself, my sanity, and my overall health.You can either look up exercise at, or get my book Perfectly Paleo Exercise to understand everything that I do.  Or email me: I’ll be glad to let you know what to do- it is my m

  • Your MD is a Snake Oil Salesman podcast on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe

    23/09/2019 Duración: 11min

    Now I don’t mean that all doctors are snake oil peddlers, showing up on your Main street with bottles of white lightning mixed with cocaine like they did in the old days… but, in many cases, not only are their many prescriptions often worthless, many are downright harmful.  Just as were those of those snake oil salesmen doctors in the 1800’s!  Now, Clark Stanley was an archetypal medicine man of the old Western era, and his oil was sold far and wide throughout the U.S. Now, the original ‘snake oil’ was a real remedy from the fat of a Chinese water snake that figured large in Chinese medicine.  But the wild west alternative was usually liquor, turpentine, and chili peppers mixed with mineral oil.  Yum!  But oftentimes is also had opium also mixed in, and with the combination of the liquor, I’m sure it did make the drinker feel temporarily- well, if not better, well at least he was so dizzy he didn’t feel his aches and pains as acutely for a while.Fast forward to today, and although doctors give the illusion of

  • Your DNA Defines Your Tribe

    11/09/2019 Duración: 11min

    In this era of Globlaism and the idea that ‘we are all the same’, the realism of the ancestral lifestyle shows us how inaccurate such ideas really are.  Our ethnic differences, in other words are true diversity in the type of human that we are defines us.  If you are of European descent, for instance, or white Caucasion, you are a part of what is the smallest ethnic tribe on earth, and shrinking.  Our birthrate is below replacement level, and growing smaller.  The white ethnic tribe is gettling ever smaller in numbers, despite controlling large areas of the world’s land mass.  Asians are the largest ethnic group, but their numbers are finally getting under control, due to strict birth control and planning.  The numbers of East Indians, blacks, and other mixed races are exploding far beyond carrying capacity in their native lands, with no slowing in sight!Why do I bring this up?  Well, humans are tribal by their very nature.  We thrive in homogenous tribes, amongst others with like minds, values, histories, an

  • Paleo or Autoimmune Disease on Paleo Quick Tip of the Day podcast 11th year

    25/08/2019 Duración: 14min

    I really think your choice is just about this stark: either eat a paleo type of diet and practice an ancestral lifestyle- or get an autoimmune disease!I remember, back when I started changing my diet and lifestyle to paleo.  I cut out grains entirely, and started making a green smoothie to drink on a daily basis.  My first Vitamix blender was an old one, stainless steel, and lasted me for a number of years.  Now I have a late model one, and I recommend this blender as a cornerstone investment!  Key to getting a nutrient dense diet is to get enough absorbable nutrients from vegetables and some fruits, and blending those frozen veggies into a slurry where they are easily absorbed.  For, as it is becoming more and more apparent, vegetables grown in our depleted soils, where crops are grown nowadays much of the soil microbiome has been destroyed!  This means that the nutrients that used to be found in, say, brocolli from the 1940’s would be maybe 1/4 of what they would have been then in the same amount of brocoll

  • Don't Downsize! on Paleo Quick Tip of the Day podcast

    15/08/2019 Duración: 11min

    Your own PaleoJay is 67 years old.  Basically, I do everything I did at younger ages, but now I have the luxury of more free time to do what I want.  I always knew the crucial importance of sleep, but I usually could only manage 8 hours during my working years, which was adequate for me- but now, I have determined that 9 hours is ideal.  That amount of sleep leaves me feeling energized and refreshed for the day, raring to go if you will.  I love being retired, with only hobbies like paleo living and music, writing and small landholding concerns to occupy me.  Love.But all about me, others of my age, and younger, are downsizing.  This is the ‘mantra of the moment’- something every monkey as I term them, has to mindlessly copy, since all of their friends (the other monkeys) are doing it.  “Monkey see- monkey do.”  People who don’t actually think for themselves, who only look around, see what others are doing- and then copy that.  Others in my age bracket are moving south, or into smaller houses or even condomin

  • Be a Hero on Paleojay's Smoothie Cafe

    07/08/2019 Duración: 11min

    ‘I hate luxury. I exercise moderation…It will be easy to forget your vision and purpose once you have fine clothes, fast horses and beautiful women. [In which case], you will be no better than a slave, and you will surely lose everything.’That quote is from Genghis Khan.  Now, he is no hero to me, but still his words ring with truth.  Whatever Genghis was, he certainly was successful!  He conquered the largest land mass in all of history; he was kind of an Eastern Alexander the great.  I think the quote is germane, because what I see in the modern, Western world is a falling away from virtue, from our ancient traditions and ideals.  We have allowed ourselves to become slothful, to be liberal in our thinking, since that makes us look  politically correct and fashionable.  In England, France, Sweden, and much of the rest of Europe in the E.U., we have not only allowed endless migration from non-western peoples into our advanced, high IQ, wealthy cultures; but we have paid for it all in welfare dollars!  Our lea

  • Gain Maximum Strength in 10 MInutes per Day on Paleo Quick Tip of the Day podcast

    27/07/2019 Duración: 10min

    This is not a misprint or a mistaken statement: you can indeed gain your own ultimate strength potential in 10 minutes per day!I mean that sincerely.  Now, it won’t bulk you up like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but it WILL make you as strong as you, given your own frame and bodyweight, can be.  In FACT, this protocol will make you extremely ripped and lean, and strong beyond what anyone would ever suspect!  Now, doesn’t that sound about perfect, really?  Who really wants to bulk up, especially after the age of 30 or so? Isn’t lean, sculpted strength and ability really what we are all after?  Especially amongst women- what woman wants to be bulky?   Don’t we all want strength and functional ability, strength that includes that of tendons and ligaments, and is there for us lifelong.  Real world strength and resiliance- the power to lift heavy things without injury, to manhandle weights and resistance beyond what the vast majority of our contemporaries can budge!  And for our whole lives long.This goal can be achieved

  • Leftist Globalist Elitists are the Enemy of Ancestral Living on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe podcast

    19/07/2019 Duración: 13min

    http://www.paleojay.comYes, history does repeat itself, over and over.  The details are very, very different throughout time, but the gist of it remains the same:  Self styled elites, which in ancient days meant Kings and Emperors, Warlords and Dictators- they are constantly trying to control, to micromanage, to tell everyone else how to live, and what to do- endlessly!  These fake “leaders” will order us around endlessly, unless we stop them.In Western Civilization, this has been one of the primary concerns, and one of our greatest successes!  From the Magna Carta, which outlined the protection of ordinary folk from the dictates of despots, to the Declaration of Independence, from which the founding fathers declared the God-given, inalienable rights of mankind.These were triumphs of Western Civilization, and set the stage for the longest, brightest ascent of human achievement and the reign of peace in all of recorded history.  Centuries of a shining light on a hill- that is the history of modern, western civ

  • Bread CAN be Healthy! On Paleo Quick Tip of the Day podcast

    11/07/2019 Duración: 10min

    There, I said it- bread can actually be good for you!  I can scarcely believe that I actually said that, but there it is.  Properly prepared bread, meaning a true, made from sour dough starter, can be a worthwhile addition to your paleo diet, but it needs to be a true sour dough bread.This means a bread that is risen without commercial yeast, and without any other addititives such as sugar, oils, ‘bread conditioners’, and the like!  One theory is that the use of conventional, GMO grains (that are heavily sprayed with glyphosate), along with the sugars, vegetable oils, and many dough additives and preservatives are why modern breads are so very unhealthy.Do, you need to seek out (or else bake your own) loaf; one that has only non-GMO grain (I think rye is the best, both flavor-wise and health-wise), is naturally leavened with wild yeasts, and is free of all other additives other than water and the milled grain itself.  Anything else and it is not really sour dough, and is something that will only hurt your hea

  • I Live in a Virtual White Ethnostate: I Admit it- Do YOU? on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe

    02/07/2019 Duración: 14min

    As a matter of fact, most people choose to self-segregate.  This is both blacks, and whites.  I’m sure it is also as true amongst other races, but there is no more stark contrast in the USA as that between those two most opposite races as black and white.  This is despite the fact that these races have dwelt together in north America for hundreds of years!  What can be the problem, after all of this time??Let’s go back to Paleo 101: mankind is an evolved creature.  This is the foundation of why things like neolithic grains and other foodstuffs are so problematic for our health.  We didn’t evolve to eat grasses; we evolved to eat primarily meat, and bugs; other protein sources and small tubers and tiny, ancient fruits with little sugar at all.  This is how we evolved, and such foods give us maximum health: along with living in a state where we get maximum sunlight throughout the day, and adequate exercise as we forage and hunt with primitive weapons, barefoot and using our musculature to drag heavy loads, and

  • Abandon Religion at Your Peril on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe podcast

    28/06/2019 Duración: 09min

    Religion!  So Medieval, right?Well, yes- and ancient, and paleolithic, and well- every other time bar none!Religion is baked into our DNA!  You can be ‘trendy’, you can deny it completely: but you really can’t, not really.Neanderthals had a religion, possibly moon worship, but we can’t be sure.  They certainly laid their departed to rest, bedecked with flowers for the next world). What we can be certain about is that any people who denied a higher power (think NAZI’s and COMMUNIST’S) - well, they wound up in a nihilistic NIGHTMARE, where in the Nazi’s case they started to worship strange paganistic rituals,  and in communism (and Nazi socialism too, come to think of it) they started in on dictator worship instead: (Stalin and Hitler and Mao to name a few worthies).Our very species evolved with a notion of a higher power- a GOD.  Usually  matriarchal in the beginning, (the Moon), but then evolving into a patriarchal, SUN god over time.  It is in our very DNA- deny it at your peril.  Go ahead: deny that there i

  • Money is NOT the Main Goal! on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe podcast

    24/06/2019 Duración: 09min

    I have never focussed on making money as my primary goal.  Never.It’s not that I didn’t need money; of course, I acknowledge that we all do!  And, like all of you, I usually wish I had just a little more…  But, when I am so distracted, I try to see the big, Paleo picture if you will:  ‘If I make a pile of money, after working many, many hours, sacrificing my home life, my relationships with my child and my grandchildren- would that make me any happier at all?’This question always makes me see the big picture clearly.  Family, or TRIBE of family and friends- this always trumps money.  ALWAYS!  Time spent with your tribe, nurturing and simply bonding with them, is really all we have.  Of course, we need to make a living, but we don’t need to sacrifice our present for a nebulous future of riches.  Most of the time, it doesn’t even work out that way!  Ignoring your tribe usually results in really bad outcomes, like divorce, children resentful and rebelling, and us dying early from ignoring true riches (like our h

  • Real Work Matters on Paleo Quick Tip of the Day

    15/06/2019 Duración: 08min

    I am a long time Paleo aficianado! I love hearing how sleep is ultra-important, how you should reduce stress and exercise daily, with stretching, meditation, and strength training specifically!However, I do differ in some matters:  SLEEP- no difference; just get a good 8 hours per night, in a blacked out room! OR MORE!!  I do best on 9 hours.  Your mileage may vary: just don’t fall into the trap where you think “If I only need 5 hours, I am better…”  No, you’re not.  You are probably only delusional!Reducing stress and meditation:  Well, this is a no-brainer- meditation is wondeful, and reducing stress can only help your life in a major way.  Just sit in a chair and meditate- don’t take drugs to achieve this otherwise laudable goal!Exercise:  The older I get, the more I differ from standard, ancestral/Paleo doctrine here! Lift Heavy Things!  No.  Although this is standard dogma, it is just not so…Do strength exercise YES- DAILY!!  Do Virtual Resistance Exercise, where you flex the muscles against themselves. 

  • We Live in Clown World! on PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe

    04/06/2019 Duración: 15min

    Periodically, throughout time and the evolution of man, things unravel.  For instance, during the fall of the Roman Empire: civilization had reached a peak!  So, as always happens after long periods of sanity and well-organized civilization, with law and order, prosperity, and everyone pretty much used to living well within certain parameters of behaviour- everything went off the rails!German barbarians were allowed to become citizens, while native Romans had slipped into extremes of decadence, not even wanting to serve in their mighty legions any longer.  Slaves were bought in abundance, since the noble Romans wanted to enjoy their debauchery extreme luxury, valuing such above their old republican values.  The old small farmholdings had all been bought up by the ultra-rich, who farmed them with slaves taken from conquered lands- and those roman soldiers, who used to make up the formidable legions that conquered the world?  Well, they were now obsolete, much like our own small farmers today, and forced to mov

  • Yellow Glasses are PALEO! on Paleo Quick Tip of the Day podcast

    28/05/2019 Duración: 07min

    Sleep is very, very important! For all of us, paleo, keto, low carb, livin la vida- whatever.   Sleep is at least as important as proper diet!I hope you know the basics by now of ‘sleep hygiene’, but then again I realize most average people don’t-  You need to sleep in total darkness; if you live in an urban (meaning lots of lights left lit all night) area- you need blackout curtains!  Even a slight amount of light after dark will disturb your all important circadian rhythmns.  You need all electronics (especially a TV in the bedroom!) out of that bedroom entirely.  If you have a nightlight, make sure it is with a red bulb.  Like in an old-fashioned darkroom- this will not disturb your circadian nightime settings, like any light with a blue light spectrum.  Like any white light.And there is one more thing you can do, that is really important- wear blue blocking lenses or else just don’t look at screens before bedtime.  Read a book or take a walk on a dark rural road before bed (like I do).   Read one of my bo

  • Evolution Matters on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe

    18/05/2019 Duración: 14min

    One of the hallmarks of the ancestral, or paleo lifetstyle, is its reliance on the observance of EVOLUTION determining virtually everything about us!We are evolved human beings, after all.  Our diet evolved from our interaction with our environment on this earth, as did our patterns of healthy living, and interaction with others.  Each of our selves is the culmination of millenia of years, during which our own DNA has existed, evolving in response to the environments in which our ancestors have found themselves in for all of that vast stretch of time.Those of us who came from the far north of Europe, back in the ice ages, developed as humans under very different conditions to those experienced in other areas of the world.  And so, the Danes of today resemble the Congo pygmies in very little indeed!  Some humans lived in hot climes, such as Africa- under conditions of constant warfare and tribal fighting over readily available hunting and gathering conditions.  There was very little incentive to develope any s

  • Protect Your Tribe from Invasion on PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe

    08/05/2019 Duración: 15min

    We have reached a crucial point in our history, here in Western Civilization.  And actually: we are at the point where merely saying Western Civilization is considered RACIST!  Does this wake some of you ‘live and let live’ well-meaning folks up??  At long last??This might seem somewhat strange, for a ‘Paleo podcast’, that is all about ancestral health and wellness, to be talking about.  “Politics??  PaleoJay, you are off your rocker- I just want to be healthy, along with my friends and family, and of course my neighbors, who make up my “tribe” in my homeplace!”Well, me too!  And that is why I am speaking out on this today.  The majority of our supposed political “leaders” has totally let us all down!  I am speaking to anyone in Western Civilization, anyone in the heretofore WHITE WORLD.  That is: those peoples who actually built and maintain Western Civilization. And, Western Civilization is in actuality: CIVILIZATION.  For, after all, the civilization created by western people, from the Greeks up to the Rom

  • The Perfect Paleo Day on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe podcast

    18/04/2019 Duración: 15min

    Today I had the perfect paleo day- in fact, I’m still having it, since now I am communicating with my tribe of ancestral people on this very podcast!  Like most of my perfect and near-perfect days, the vast majority of the day was spent outdoors, in nature.  The sun shone brightly pretty much the whole day, and wonder-of-wonders: here in mid-April the snow is finally melting!  Still big clumps of white persist, but primarily in the deep woods on my property, so I pretty much stayed in the open areas.  I started my perfect day as I recommend you start your own- by exercising in front of your television.  Actually, the TV is optional, but since I had a movie queued up and also wanted to watch Fox business first, I set myself on my yoga mat in front of the TV.  I started into my preliminary stretching, followed by my visualized resistance exercises, and then more stretching on the mat. Then, I did isometrics holds for all of my muscle groups, pushing and pulling against an old Exer-Genie.  This tool, developed i

  • Paleo People Own Weapons on PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe

    13/04/2019 Duración: 07min

    I am dismayed by how misled the people of modern Western civilization have become!  Not only do they eat fake, food-like substances (as recommended by ‘science’) like low fat dairy, rancid industrial seed oils (ala vegetable oils and margarine), and grain fed meat:  They also hate ‘evil firearms’, since the Big Government has told them that they are- completely evil!  They’re not.  Guns are simply tools, like electric drills, my tractor, and chainsaw- things that woud have been highly prized throughout all times and places, because they represent and embody power.  The power to stop crime, injustice, attack and real evil.  To protect our families and neighbors, to stop invaders from hostile tribes.  And, most importantly- to thwart the deprecations of our OWN governments, when they have become too dominant and evil to be stopped by negotiations and reason!  Trust me, if a tribal leader back in paleolithic times decided to attack his own tribespeople, he would have met a spear versus the spear of his own!  A r

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